<in on Alpha, at ur service waystin, but i only joined to take any postion that oneway is goin for so he can be shown how its done. (after he flips out would someone tell him (oneway) im just kidding, maybe. lol) 
<<S>> all an cya in the skies
Rich QcareCh
b4 any says "wow what a butthole", oneway is along time friend on here an we flew together for yrs an do still to this day from time to time, and he is a great buff pilot. sometimes

Salute Q !!!If it wasn't for QCare, I probably would not be as involved in Scenarios as I am...
He was the registered Group Leader for the 97'th Bomb Group in the Tunisia Scenario, and asked if I would like to fly the beta frame the following day.... and I said ....."Whats a Scenario" ?
Well I went and read up about it...read the rules and showed up the following day ready to do battle...Real Life jumped up and QCare was unable to attend not only the Beta...but any of the frames...
Kermit the Allied CO told me to lead the 97'th on the Beta and I had never led anything before in my life !!! Well the Beta turned out to be a disaster for my group and myself...so I hit the books and began an aggressive flight testing program and started recruiting for the first frame...I got into making maps for the first time.
By the end of the event, we were the top scoring Bomb Group, I was grinding out detailed maps for the team (manually) and the 97'th delivered pivotal results to our team and the Allies won the event..
Since then I have not missed a single Scenario frame including all test frames, and as many of you know...I still make maps
Welcome to Alpha QCare !!!