Author Topic: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's  (Read 1178 times)

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2011, 04:29:28 PM »
Part 3


49th Fighter Group \"Fightin 49ers\"

22:24:47 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:51:55 Was shot down by Raptor (exploded).

22:24:34 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:50:26 Helps klipper shoot down dcat.
22:50:46 Was shot down by (crashed).

22:24:41 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:42:36 Was shot down by Snotrkt (exploded).
22:45:04 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:53:42 Shot down a Hurricane Mk IIC flown by Sloehand.
22:54:36 Arrived Safely at Field #37
22:55:15 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:59:52 Helps Baumer shoot down CUTT.
22:59:57 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:27 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:49:28 Was shot down by RELIC (crashed).
22:52:12 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:59:41 Helps gus shoot down JMAC1.
22:59:44 Helps SlipKnoT shoot down MajQBall.
23:00:55 Was shot down by .

22:24:42 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:48:55 Was shot down by o2b1ace.

22:24:37 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:43:47 Was shot down by .
22:48:04 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:59:06 Helps TeeeRex shoot down ImADot.
22:59:35 Helps kansas2 shoot down swoop73.
23:00:15 Helps kansas2 shoot down swoop73.
23:04:22 Helps Debrody shoot down TeeeRex.
23:14:37 Arrived Safely at Field #10

22:24:36 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:45:43 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.
22:49:14 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:59:35 Helps kansas2 shoot down swoop73.
22:59:44 Helps Baumer shoot down JMAC1.
22:59:51 Helps Harppa shoot down swoop73.
23:00:39 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:47 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:52:06 Was shot down by Strokes.

49th Fighter Group \"Fightin 49ers\" stats:
Pilots: 8
Kills: 1
Assists: 11
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 8
Landed: 2
Bailed: 1
Captured: 2
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0


22:24:39 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:57:31 Was shot down by JeffN.

22:24:48 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:40:21 Arrived Safely at Field #10

22:24:32 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:01:53 Was shot down by bongboy.

22:24:55 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:04:33 Shot down a Hurricane Mk IIC flown by LLogann.
23:06:29 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:33 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:55:14 Was shot down by wagger.

22:25:08 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
22:58:09 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:37 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:05:57 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:24 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:06:35 Was shot down by and captured.

22:25:41 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:10:07 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:43 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:00:27 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:39 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:00:27 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:53 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:05:49 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:23 Departed from Field #37 in a A6M3 Model 32
23:06:29 Was shot down by and captured.

JG2 stats:
Pilots: 13
Kills: 1
Assists: 0
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 3
Landed: 1
Bailed: 0
Captured: 9
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0

VF 15 Satans Playmates II

22:24:30 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:46:19 Was shot down by BlackAdr.

22:26:24 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:47:57 Shot down a B-25C flown by Jaguar71.
22:47:57 Awarded kill as Jaguar71 crashes.
22:49:39 Was shot down by 007Rusty (exploded).
22:49:39 Shot down a B-25C flown by DWKuya.
22:56:04 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
23:00:28 Was shot down by .

22:26:24 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:47:47 Was shot down by Jayro (crashed).

22:26:26 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:51:16 Was shot down by Snotrkt (crashed).
22:55:21 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:59:38 Helps gus shoot down lowtec.
23:02:53 Was shot down by and captured.

22:26:24 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:52:39 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.

22:26:25 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:48:44 Shot down a Seafire Mk IIc flown by ChainSaw.
22:50:26 Shot down a Seafire Mk IIc flown by dcat.
22:50:39 Was shot down by Ehfexx (exploded).

22:26:24 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:49:46 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.

22:24:54 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:46:02 Was shot down by Jayro.
22:47:59 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:52:24 Was shot down by .
22:54:24 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:59:26 Helps SlipKnoT shoot down rayace1.
22:59:29 Shot down a G4M1 Model 11 flown by Viper61.
22:59:31 Helps MajQBall shoot down Viper61.
22:59:54 Helps Baumer shoot down Viper61.
23:00:01 Helps jededi shoot down rayace1.
23:03:25 Was shot down by and captured.

22:24:25 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:45:51 Shot down a B-25C flown by Tickle69.
22:46:01 Awarded kill as puller crashes.
22:46:13 Shot down a B-25C flown by MoeGas.
22:46:17 Was shot down by Vlkyrie1 (exploded).
22:51:48 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:58:19 Shot down a G4M1 Model 11 flown by MadDoctr.
22:59:17 Shot down a G4M1 Model 11 flown by WarLover.
22:59:26 Shot down a G4M1 Model 11 flown by rayace1.
22:59:44 Shot down a Seafire Mk IIc flown by MajQBall.
22:59:54 Arrived Safely at Field #37

22:26:25 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:48:49 Was shot down by (exploded).
22:52:22 Departed from Field #37 in a Gunner-Observer
22:58:16 Helps Jaxxon shoot down BudGray.
23:03:38 Was shot down by and captured.

22:27:11 Departed from Field #37 in a Ki-61-I-Tei
22:47:17 Shot down a B-25C flown by Triton1.
22:51:26 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.

VF 15 Satans Playmates II stats:
Pilots: 11
Kills: 14
Assists: 6
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 10
Landed: 1
Bailed: 3
Captured: 3
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2011, 04:31:06 PM »
June FSO Mannerheim Cross Axis Frame 1 AAR Part 1

Purple Force lifted off from A82 comprised of three squads with the target of the Town at A25.  The 132 DW Bomber Group lifted off with 5 formations of Ju-88's as Strike Commander.  Flying escort was the 325th Checkertails in 5 FW-190A-5's and 5 Bf-109G-2's plus the Gunfighters in 4 190's and 5 109's.

cunuk    22:31:18 Departed from Field #82 in a Ju 88A-4
DWDing   22:31:21 Departed from Field #82 in a Ju 88A-4
DWShrddr 22:31:22 Departed from Field #82 in a Ju 88A-4
DWKuya   22:31:26 Departed from Field #82 in a Ju 88A-4
Bern1    22:33:19 Departed from Field #82 in a Ju 88A-4

The escort fighters took a high perch above the climbing bombers.  Once the bombers leveled out at 20,000 ft, the strike force began to make good time to target making small course corrections.  At T+50, the escort fighters merged with the defending enemy fighters.  This allowed the bomber force to make the initial drop on the Town with 500kb bombs.  The bomber force egressed south and then southeastenly while dropping in altitude making a slow left hand turn.  The bomber force leveled out at 10,000 ft. and lined up for a second pass with 20 50kg bombs.

DWKuya   23:22:21 Destroyed a field gun at base #25
DWKuya   23:22:28 Destroyed a field gun at base #25
DWDing   23:22:29 Destroyed a town building at base #25
DWDing   23:22:30 Destroyed a field gun at base #25
DWShrddr 23:22:30 Destroyed a town building at base #25
DWShrddr 23:22:30 Destroyed a town building at base #25
DWShrddr 23:22:30 Destroyed a town building at base #25
DWShrddr 23:22:30 Destroyed a town building at base #25
DWShrddr 23:22:30 Destroyed a town building at base #25
DWShrddr 23:22:30 Destroyed a town building at base #25
Bern1    23:22:36 Destroyed a town building at base #25
DWDing   23:22:41 Destroyed a barracks at base #25
DWDing   23:22:41 Destroyed a barracks at base #25
DWDing   23:22:41 Destroyed a barracks at base #25
DWShrddr 23:22:49 Destroyed a field gun at base #25
Bern1    23:22:59 Destroyed a field gun at base #25
cunuk    23:24:23 Was shot down by and captured.
DWShrddr 23:24:38 Helps wasp shoot down FXDS.
cunuk    23:24:41 Departed from Field #82 in a Gunner-Observer

After dropping tha last of the bombs on the town, the bomber force egressed borth and then the survivors landed.

Bern1    23:35:05 Arrived Safely at Field #87
DWKuya   23:36:51 Arrived Safely at Field #87
DWShrddr 23:37:19 Arrived Safely at Field #87
DWDing   23:37:23 Arrived Safely at Field #87

High Command reported that 7 Yaks, 4 P-39's and 3 La's were defending against 15 Ju-88's, 10 Bf-109's and 9 FW-190's.  24 Objects were destroyed at a cost of 8 Ju-88's, 3 Bf-109's and 2 Fw-190's.  The Russians lost 9 fighters.

132 DW Bomber Group stats:
Pilots: 5
Kills: 0
Assists: 1
Obj Destroyed: 16
Deaths: 0
Landed: 4
Bailed: 1
Captured: 1
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 1

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2011, 04:32:30 PM »
Part 2


325th Checkertails VFG

22:35:10 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:25:21 Shot down a Yak-9T flown by Wiley.
23:40:32 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
23:45:50 Shot down a P-39Q flown by tonyki61.
23:53:33 Helps lowtec shoot down skittish.
23:56:59 Arrived Safely at Field #87
23:58:37 Departed from Field #2 in a Gunner-Observer
00:27:12 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:35:13 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:44:22 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
23:51:23 Awarded kill as strike crashes.
23:57:11 Skillfully ditched.

22:35:11 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:41:20 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
00:14:27 Destroyed a town building at base #25
00:25:17 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:35:12 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:40:55 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
23:52:58 Shot down a La-5FN flown by Bannor.
23:57:04 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
00:26:20 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:35:14 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:24:38 Was shot down by and captured.
23:26:49 Departed from Field #82 in a Gunner-Observer
23:38:57 Vanished without a trace.
23:42:20 Departed from Field #2 in a Gunner-Observer
23:50:39 Awarded kill as Edgar crashes.
23:57:00 Arrived Safely at Field #87
23:59:28 Departed from Field #87 in a Gunner-Observer
00:26:20 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:35:15 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:22:07 Shot down a La-5FN flown by Bigcat.
23:48:36 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
23:53:33 Shot down a Yak-9T flown by skittish.
23:57:40 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:35:12 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:22:40 Helps tuk151 shoot down Pounder.
23:27:44 Was shot down by and captured.

22:35:14 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
22:37:54 Was shot down by (crashed).
22:40:13 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:49:21 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
23:53:33 Helps lowtec shoot down skittish.
00:00:39 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
00:27:12 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:35:09 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:45:49 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #87.
00:12:41 Destroyed a town building at base #25
00:12:51 Destroyed a field gun at base #25
00:12:55 Destroyed a field gun at base #25
00:13:42 Destroyed a town building at base #25
00:13:43 Destroyed a town building at base #25
00:13:43 Destroyed a town building at base #25
00:13:43 Destroyed a town building at base #25
00:13:46 Was shot down by (crashed).

22:35:10 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:44:57 Arrived Safely at Field #87
23:49:07 Departed from Field #87 in a Gunner-Observer
00:13:46 Arrived Safely at Field #72

325th Checkertails VFG stats:
Pilots: 10
Kills: 7
Assists: 3
Obj Destroyed: 8
Deaths: 2
Landed: 10
Bailed: 0
Captured: 2
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 1
Disco'd: 1

{The Gun Fighters}

22:31:25 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:21:39 Helps Raptor shoot down DWDing.
23:22:40 Helps tuk151 shoot down Pounder.
23:40:04 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:31:24 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:39:56 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:31:24 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:22:40 Helps tuk151 shoot down Pounder.
23:35:09 Was shot down by Bannor (crashed).

22:31:25 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:25:23 Was shot down by lyric1.

22:31:23 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:22:07 Helps lowtec shoot down Bigcat.
23:37:36 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:31:25 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:39:38 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:31:24 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:39:55 Arrived Safely at Field #87

22:31:27 Departed from Field #82 in a Bf 109G-2
23:27:52 Was shot down by (crashed).

22:31:21 Departed from Field #82 in a Fw 190A-5
23:05:20 Awarded kill as Guido77 crashes.
23:24:38 Shot down a P-39Q flown by FXDS.
23:42:22 Arrived Safely at Field #87

{The Gun Fighters} stats:
Pilots: 9
Kills: 2
Assists: 4
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 3
Landed: 6
Bailed: 0
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0


Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2011, 04:33:35 PM »
Part 3


Sick Puppies

22:31:48 Departed from Field #25 in a P-39Q
23:21:24 Helps Pounder shoot down DWDing.
23:24:38 Was shot down by wasp (exploded).

22:31:31 Departed from Field #25 in a P-39Q
23:21:20 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by cunuk.
23:25:23 Shot down a Bf 109G-2 flown by Grundle.
23:29:52 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #25.
23:40:45 Destroyed a field gun at base #88
23:40:49 Destroyed a field gun at base #88
23:41:09 Destroyed a field gun at base #88
23:41:37 Destroyed a field gun at base #88
23:46:47 Arrived Safely at Field #28

22:31:28 Departed from Field #25 in a P-39Q
23:29:58 Arrived Safely at Field #25

22:32:35 Departed from Field #25 in a P-39Q
22:52:37 Vanished without a trace.
22:57:04 Departed from Field #25 in a P-39Q
23:45:50 Was shot down by CUTT (exploded).

Sick Puppies stats:
Pilots: 4
Kills: 2
Assists: 1
Obj Destroyed: 4
Deaths: 2
Landed: 2
Bailed: 0
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 1

VMF-222 Flying Deuces

22:33:37 Departed from Field #28 in a Yak-9T
23:21:58 Awarded kill as cunuk crashes.
23:24:30 Shot down a Bf 109G-2 flown by JMAC1.
23:31:56 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:59:35 Arrived Safely at Field #28

22:33:35 Departed from Field #28 in a Yak-9T
23:31:35 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:50:39 Was shot down by (crashed).

22:33:07 Departed from Field #28 in a Yak-9T
23:21:39 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWDing.
23:22:27 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.

22:31:51 Departed from Field #28 in a Yak-9T
23:21:31 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by Bern1.
23:34:00 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:53:37 Was shot down by .

22:33:30 Departed from Field #28 in a Yak-9T
23:21:54 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by cunuk.
23:36:47 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:51:23 Was shot down by (crashed).

22:33:25 Departed from Field #28 in a Yak-9T
23:25:21 Was shot down by CUTT (crashed).

22:31:06 Departed from Field #28 in a Yak-9T
23:21:06 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWKuya.
23:27:40 Shot down a Fw 190A-5 flown by rayace1.
23:32:59 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:37:10 Arrived Safely at Field #28
23:37:37 Departed from Field #28 in a Gunner-Observer
23:50:39 Arrived Safely at Field #28

VMF-222 Flying Deuces stats:
Pilots: 7
Kills: 7
Assists: 0
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 4
Landed: 3
Bailed: 1
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0

~ ~ ~FATE~ ~ ~

22:32:21 Departed from Field #25 in a La-5FN
23:27:52 Awarded kill as Triton1 crashes.
23:30:39 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:35:09 Shot down a Fw 190A-5 flown by Flychief.
23:39:45 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #28.
23:52:58 Was shot down by ImADot (crashed).

22:32:20 Departed from Field #25 in a La-5FN
23:22:03 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by Bern1.
23:22:07 Was shot down by lowtec.

23:02:31 Departed from Field #1 in a Gunner-Observer
23:52:58 Arrived Safely at Field #1

22:32:22 Departed from Field #25 in a La-5FN
23:21:24 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWDing.
23:22:40 Was shot down by tuk151.

~ ~ ~FATE~ ~ ~ stats:
Pilots: 4
Kills: 4
Assists: 0
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 3
Landed: 1
Bailed: 0
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2011, 04:36:04 PM »
June FSO 2011 Mannerheim Cross Axis Frame 2 AAR Part 1

The squad lifted off from A40 with 5 sets of Ju-88's and one single Ju-88.  Flying escort was the 325th Checkertails in 10 FW-190A-4's and the JG77 in 2 Bf109G-2's.
Bern1    22:27:12 Departed from Field #40 in a Ju 88A-4
DWDing   22:27:13 Departed from Field #40 in a Ju 88A-4
DWShrddr 22:27:14 Departed from Field #40 in a Ju 88A-4
Oneway   22:27:14 Departed from Field #40 in a Ju 88A-4
DWKuya   22:27:16 Departed from Field #40 in a Ju 88A-4
cunuk    22:28:41 Departed from Field #40 in a Ju 88A-4

The bombers took a NOE route due south while the fighters flew direct to the target at high altitude.  Once the bombers were south of the targets latitude line, the Ju-88's turned due east avoiding any enemy radar rings.  The fighters merged with the defending enemy fighters when the bombers made the final turn towards A6 Town.  Just before the Town, the bombers popped up and began dropping bombs. 

Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a field gun at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:39 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:40 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:40 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:40 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Oneway   23:12:42 Destroyed a field gun at base #06
DWShrddr 23:12:46 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Bern1    23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
Bern1    23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
DWDing   23:12:47 Destroyed a town building at base #06
cunuk    23:13:03 Destroyed a town building at base #06
cunuk    23:13:03 Destroyed a town building at base #06
cunuk    23:13:05 Destroyed a town building at base #06

During this time, the enemy fighters who had just finished refueling operations spotted the incoming bombers and alerted the higher defenders.  This resulted in the whole bomber force being wiped out.

Oneway   23:13:11 Was shot down by Cutter56.
DWDing   23:13:11 Was shot down by Tippo (crashed).
DWKuya   23:13:13 Was shot down by termite (exploded).
Bern1    23:13:17 Was shot down by hymijr.
cunuk    23:13:35 Was shot down by slayem (exploded).
DWShrddr 23:14:42 Was shot down by fudgeit (exploded).

High Command reported that 19 LA's were defnding against 16 Ju-88's, 10 FW-190's and 2 Bf-109's.  31 Objects were destroyed at a cost of 16 bombers and 10 fighters.  The Russians lost one fighter.

132 DW Bomber Group stats:
Pilots: 6
Kills: 0
Assists: 0
Obj Destroyed: 31
Deaths: 7
Landed: 0
Bailed: 0
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2011, 04:37:32 PM »
Part 2


325th Checkertails VFG

22:27:26 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
22:28:12 Arrived Safely at Field #40
22:29:14 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:13:38 Shot down a La-5FN flown by Cutter56.
23:19:15 Was shot down by bongboy (exploded).
23:20:50 Departed from Field #40 in a Gunner-Observer
23:22:52 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.

22:29:02 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:19:47 Was shot down by hymi.

22:29:05 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:21:10 Was shot down by JackRaid (crashed).

22:29:07 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:16:54 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.

22:29:22 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:23:48 Was shot down by CaptSlow.

22:29:20 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:26:44 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.
22:29:04 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:13:36 Was shot down by (crashed).

22:29:08 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:23:39 Bravely Bailed from damaged plane.

22:29:03 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:34:22 Arrived Safely at Field #48

22:29:04 Departed from Field #40 in a Fw 190A-5
23:13:26 Vanished without a trace.
23:16:41 Departed from Field #2 in a Gunner-Observer
23:36:12 Vanished without a trace.

325th Checkertails VFG stats:
Pilots: 10
Kills: 1
Assists: 0
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 5
Landed: 2
Bailed: 4
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 2

JG77 Herz-As

22:28:15 Departed from Field #40 in a Bf 109G-2
23:27:57 Was shot down by hymi (crashed).

22:27:22 Departed from Field #40 in a Bf 109G-2
23:19:28 Helps Noah17 shoot down bongboy.
23:20:25 Was shot down by John577.

JG77 Herz-As stats:
Pilots: 2
Kills: 0
Assists: 1
Obj Destroyed: 0
Deaths: 2
Landed: 0
Bailed: 0
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2011, 04:38:41 PM »
Part 3



22:27:17 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:13:35 Helps slayem shoot down cunuk.
23:14:26 Helps fudgeit shoot down DWShrddr.
23:25:21 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:32:22 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:29:42 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:12:32 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by cunuk.
23:13:11 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by Oneway.
23:13:38 Was shot down by CUTT (crashed).

22:35:37 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:31:54 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #12.
23:44:56 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:12 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:20:26 Was shot down by (crashed).

22:27:25 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:13:03 Helps Tomahawk shoot down DWKuya.
23:17:51 Was shot down by termite (crashed).

22:27:29 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:13:11 Helps Cutter56 shoot down Oneway.
23:13:17 Helps hymijr shoot down Bern1.
23:14:15 Helps Tomahawk shoot down DWShrddr.
23:14:26 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWShrddr.
23:14:42 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWShrddr.
23:17:12 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:17 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:14:14 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:19:47 Shot down a Fw 190A-5 flown by Icemaker.
23:23:42 Destroyed a radar at base #07
23:27:57 Shot down a Bf 109G-2 flown by Freytag.
23:32:16 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:35:14 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:36:27 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:18 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:13:03 Helps Tomahawk shoot down DWKuya.
23:13:13 Helps termite shoot down DWKuya.
23:13:17 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by Bern1.
23:19:45 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:28:03 Destroyed a field gun at base #32
23:28:55 Destroyed a barge at base #32
23:28:55 Destroyed a barge at base #32
23:28:57 Destroyed a barge at base #32
23:29:23 Destroyed a barge at base #32
23:29:50 Destroyed a barge at base #32
23:34:02 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:34:51 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:10 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:12:55 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWDing.
23:13:07 Helps Tomahawk shoot down Oneway.
23:13:29 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by cunuk.
23:14:26 Helps fudgeit shoot down DWShrddr.
23:21:10 Shot down a Fw 190A-5 flown by ImADot.
23:26:44 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:53:27 Was shot down by 20Charly.
23:59:30 Departed from Field #6 in a Gunner-Observer
00:03:37 Arrived Safely at Field #13

22:27:31 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:16:23 Shot down a Fw 190A-5 flown by JMAC1.
23:20:25 Shot down a Bf 109G-2 flown by Weta.
23:22:13 Helps termite shoot down Indica92.
23:24:59 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:47:59 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
00:03:37 Was shot down by FastTone (crashed).

22:27:15 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:16:49 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:34 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
22:57:55 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #12.
23:13:17 Helps hymijr shoot down Bern1.
23:32:21 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:33 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:12:55 Helps JackRaid shoot down DWDing.
23:13:04 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by Oneway.
23:20:48 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:24:46 Destroyed a radar at base #62
23:53:57 Was shot down by HighTone.

22:27:38 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:13:07 Helps Tomahawk shoot down Oneway.
23:19:15 Helps bongboy shoot down CUTT.
23:19:47 Arrived Safely at Field #6
23:19:56 Departed from Field #6 in a Gunner-Observer
23:46:29 Arrived Safely at Field #6
23:50:30 Departed from Field #12 in a Gunner-Observer
23:53:28 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:36 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:12:52 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWKuya.
23:13:35 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by cunuk.
23:20:54 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:52:27 Was shot down by Assi.

22:27:12 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:13:19 Arrived Safely at Field #5

22:27:16 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:11:40 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:13:13 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWKuya.
23:13:36 Awarded kill as rayace1 crashes.
23:17:20 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:17:51 Shot down a La-5FN flown by Fish62.
23:22:13 Shot down a Bf 109G-6 flown by Indica92.
23:33:39 Arrived Safely at Field #6

22:27:23 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:12:07 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWDing.
23:13:11 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWDing.
23:13:26 Awarded kill as WarLover crashes.
23:23:19 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:52:38 Shot down a Bf 110G-2 flown by Recon08.
00:02:32 Arrived Safely at Field #13

22:27:18 Departed from Field #14 in a La-5FN
23:13:03 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWKuya.
23:13:07 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by Oneway.
23:14:15 Shot down a Ju 88A-4 flown by DWShrddr.
23:19:18 Takes on fuel/ammo/ord at field #6.
23:19:35 Arrived Safely at Field #6

Pilots: 19
Kills: 26
Assists: 15
Obj Destroyed: 8
Deaths: 7
Landed: 15
Bailed: 0
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline gyrene81

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2011, 05:52:53 PM »
does this mean you don't want to fly bombers in the fso anymore?  :headscratch:
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

Offline Dantoo

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2011, 09:30:44 PM »
I think he's saying that a lot of la-5s landed safely (towered) in the last frame - just before the second strike hit?  :bolt:
I get really really tired of selective realism disguised as a desire to make bombers easier to kill.


Matthew 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there is where the vultures gather together.

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2011, 10:17:49 PM »
does this mean you don't want to fly bombers in the fso anymore?  :headscratch:

No, this is why we fly bombers in FSO.  The Fluidity of War can derail best laid plans due to the decisions of the enemy.  The X Factor is what makes FSO fun.

It was a timing issue.  If we arrived 5 minutes earlier, we would've caught them on the ground forcing them to tower out in safety.  If we arrived 5 minutes later, they might've been out of position for a rapid response.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline Dantoo

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2011, 07:26:22 PM »
Ah!  Well put Kuya!  Interestingly, ROC made this same observation recently in another forum in respect of another event.  It's logical, but only stats demonstrate the immensity of the twin impacts of timing and chance.  One of them you have some small measure of control over.
I get really really tired of selective realism disguised as a desire to make bombers easier to kill.


Matthew 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there is where the vultures gather together.

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2011, 08:29:09 PM »
Ah!  Well put Kuya!  Interestingly, ROC made this same observation recently in another forum in respect of another event.  It's logical, but only stats demonstrate the immensity of the twin impacts of timing and chance.  One of them you have some small measure of control over.

Since I don't have access to the other side's Frame orders, I have to draw a conclusion from the stats. 
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline slayem

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2011, 01:32:05 PM »
 Your attack force had a better impact than you may believe Kuya. Though the Swampdragons managed to maintain unit cohesion and position to strike your bomber force and escorts and mostly survive, we paid the price in doing so. Regrouping and refueling, more than half our force had to end sortie for battle damage, wounds, or
just plain pranging their aircraft trying to refuel. :joystick: The rest of us ,some like me damaged but still
reasonably airworthy, were left with only bad choices from then on. Attrition is a cold fate. The second strike did to us what we did to you. Such is war. :salute
"General, we're surrounded!"
"Then split the men and attack both ways."
Gen.N.B. Forrest

Offline AKKuya

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Re: 132 DW Bomber Group AAR's
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2011, 07:22:30 AM »
Mannerheim Cross Frame 3 AAR

Blue Strike Group lifted off from A43 with orders to destroy a Vehicle base.  16 formations of Ju-88's comprised of 8 pilots from the 132 DW Bomber Group and 8 pilots from the 364th C-hawks were escorted by 16 Me-109's comprised of 9 pilots from the 325th Checkertails and 7 pilots from the 367th Dynamite Gang.

The bombers climbed to 18,000 feet while the escorts kept a close watch above and forward.  The strike group met no resistance until minutess before arrival over target.

A combined force of 15 LA's and 8 P-39's attacked the strike force admidst the releasing of bombs over target.  One bomber formation was struck by friendly bombs overhead and many other bombers were shot down or heavily damaged from enemy action during egress.  The escort fighters valiantly engaged the enemy fighters and covered the withdrawal of the surviving bombers.

16 objects were destroyed including 3 vehicle hangars plus 14 enemy fighters shot down at a loss of 13 Ju-88's and 3 109's.  The majority of returning bombers were heavily damaged and ended operations.  Those that could still fight took to the air and struck field #17.

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?