Author Topic: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)  (Read 767 times)

Offline SilverZ06

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Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:58:30 AM »
My old microsoft sidewinder 2 is getting tired and is in need of replacement. I am trying to find a decent setup for under $300. My only main requirements are at least dual throttle controls and rudder pedals. Ive looked at the logitek g940 and it seems perfect except for the reversal "feature", The Saitek x-65f looks great too except i am not going to bolt it to my desk and it seems that it is not well suited for AH. The TM warthog looks fantastic but I cant justify the $$$. I may end up just piecing together a ch fighter stick, saitek pedals, and a saitek 3 lever throttle control. Can any one give me suggestions or what you would buy? Thanks

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 10:28:49 AM »
Go CH Products. @, you can pick up Fighterstick, Pro throttle, and pedals right at the $300 mark :aok :salute



Offline Krusty

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 10:35:36 AM »
Pushing it a bit price-wise, but I would suggest pedals, stick, and throttle quadrant. The CH throttle quad is a bit big but useful if you can position/place it properly. If you have to save money on the stick to make up for the throttle, that is a way to keep the price down. My old second-hand pedals were about $15 shipping and free otherwise (if I remember right). They don't pivot, they just rock. However they work and they were cheap. With a $10 gameport-to-USB adapter they also work in Win7. There's plenty of choices out there, but if you want a dual throttle, why stop there? The CH quad has 6 levers. Throttle and RPM plus 2 trim axes, or all 3 trim axes, zoom FOV (which I find super useful) and throttle/RPM/something-else left over.

Only problem really is the ergomonics of it...    :noid

Offline Tigger29

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 11:24:53 AM »
Go CH Products. @, you can pick up Fighterstick, Pro throttle, and pedals right at the $300 mark :aok :salute

You forget where he said he wanted a dual throttle.

SilverZ06, if you are willing to do without you could get an X52 (which comes with a stick and throttle) for $80 or so from amazon, a set of pedals for $100 and be all set for under $200.  Later on if you don't like the X52 stick you can get a CH stick and still use the throttle from the X52 and still stay under $300 (and have a spare stick in the closet just in case).  Sure I can see how someone might prefer the CH stick over the X52 stick, but I see no benefit to having the CH throttle over the X52 throttle aside from having a "matching set" if that's important to you.

Wanting dual throttle limits the options a lot though.  Aside from using a "Throttle Quadrant" your are stuck with three mainstream options:

-TM Warthog.. which is going to be WAY over budget
-Saitek X65.. which again is over budget (but not by much)
-Logitech G940...

As far as the G940 goes... I can't recommend you buy it new.  Find an inexpensive used unit (there are many out there) and plan on doing some modding to it.  You're likely going to need to replace the wiring in the throttle (the wiring breaks in all of them) and maybe even mod it like I did to get any kind of precision out of it.  $300+ is way too expensive to pay for flawed hardware from a company who offers no support whatsoever about it.  Their attitude is that if it is under warranty they will send you a new one.  If not then you're out of luck.  Many people have gone through several units because of the throttle wire issues and have simply given up bothering to warranty it anymore.  It might be different if Logitech showed any desire to actually fix the problems, but they don't.  At least not publicly.  And the 'newer revision' units are just as bad as the originals so if you go that route do so at your own risk.  It's a shame too.. could have been a great stick!  And this doesn't even touch their hysteresis issues.

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 04:03:20 PM »
For the options out there, he would do better to avoid a dual throttle, and just get a pro throttle. IMHO. The throttle quad is to big, bulky, and ergonomically nightmarish to be considered IMO.



Offline Krusty

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2011, 04:21:00 PM »
I cut a piece of wood for my throttle quad. you are right it is hard to get right. If you DO get it right it's hard to go back.

The piece of wood I cut could be described like the handlebars of a bike. A U-shaped dip in the center and an extension out each side. It goes under the arm rest of my chair (the arm sits in the "U") and then the throttle quad clamps down on it (pinned to the extension off each side). It then sits slightly tilted away for better reach to the buttons with my thumb. This also lowers the levers slightly. If I mount it on the edge of my desk it's a nightmare and a shoulder ache. If I do this with my chair's arm rest it's perfect even for long gaming sessions.

Offline SilverZ06

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2011, 07:35:40 PM »
Thanks for the replies guys. After considering what krusty is saying about the ch throttle quadrant i decided to give the saitek throttle quadrant a try as it can mount on top of the desk or in front of it. I'm hoping the front mounting will be easy to live with. I just ordered the chp usb fighter stick, saitek throttle quadrant, and saitek pro rudder pedals on Amazon. This combo will hopefully give me everything I am looking for. All 3 brand new and shipped 2nd day for $251.90. Not too bad. Can't wait to try them out friday. Thanks again for the advice and opinions.
 :salute :cheers: :airplane: :joystick:

Offline Tigger29

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2011, 10:45:46 AM »
Thanks for the replies guys. After considering what krusty is saying about the ch throttle quadrant i decided to give the saitek throttle quadrant a try as it can mount on top of the desk or in front of it. I'm hoping the front mounting will be easy to live with. I just ordered the chp usb fighter stick, saitek throttle quadrant, and saitek pro rudder pedals on Amazon. This combo will hopefully give me everything I am looking for. All 3 brand new and shipped 2nd day for $251.90. Not too bad. Can't wait to try them out friday. Thanks again for the advice and opinions.
 :salute :cheers: :airplane: :joystick:

Sounds like a great combination to me!  Good luck!

Offline Gary26

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2011, 03:19:05 AM »
I am looking into a new set up as well. I bought a CH FTR stick off ebay and I like it but sadly my hand is a little small for it. I have to reach a bit for the hats and top buttons. Its not a huge problem, but dosent feel right. Thats the one thing I love the my X52 is the adjustable pirch. I have been looking into the 52 pro and the 940. I have heard alot of things about the 940. The issue i have heard about is a "dead space" in the throttle. One guy told me that as you throttle up normal, say 20-30-40-50 %, the 940 would some times go 20-30-30-50. Not sure if thats the wiring issue that was mentioned in one of the other posts. I know nothing about "modding" it if I did get it. I also worry about my hand fitting the 940 since its not adjustable. I have heard bad things about support and software for the 940. I just cant seem to get over the fact that its FF and split throttle. If you guys really think its a waste of money ($240 used so far) than I will just go with the 52 pro and be done with it. I love my 52. Its been a good stick for about 5 years.
C.O. VMF-213 Hell Hawks

Offline caldera

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Re: Need advise on new joystick setup (under $300)
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2011, 06:49:47 AM »
Gary, your hand isn't too small for the CH stick, it's just built for basketball players.  My hand is not small at all, yet not quite big enough to reach the top hat without lifting my palm off the base.  Anyone that can do that has either very long thumbs and/or big hands.  I also think that having the switch on the right side is ergonomically wrong.  It forces you to do the "Fonz" instead of the more natural way you grip a beer bottle.

 As far as the X-52, the hat switch is perfectly placed and has adjustable height.  I kept the base at the lowest point (farthest reach to hat) and that was perfect for my "tiny" hand.  After 2 X-52s of questionable durability, I will not be buying another.  Love the throttle though.  Hopefully this CH stick fares better.
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 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."