Tuesday August 16th, 2011 10:00pm Eastern in SEA I - Aces High eXtreme Air Racing League - Season 24 Race 3. Hosted by Spammer.
On this day in history, 16 August, 1945, In Tokyo... The Emperor issues an Imperial Rescript (decree) at 1600 hours (local time) ordering all Japanese forces to cease fire. The Cabinet resigns. General Prince Higashikumi becomes the prime minister of Japan and forms a new government. He orders the Imperial Army to obey the Emperor's call and lay down their arms.
(This Day in History taken from onwar.com)
Race details can be found
Here. AHXARL forums are located
HereWednesday August 17th, 2011 10:00pm Eastern in SEA II – Snapshot
”Germany’s Greatest Ace” Hosted by 68Raptor
On April 26, Adolf Galland led six Me 262's against a flight of B-26 Marauders heading south toward Munich. Galland approached the twin-engine medium bombers from the front, passing over them and then turning back; he would attack from the rear, in the prescribed manner. Galland released the safety on his rockets and 30mm cannon as the enemy's tail guns began to blink balefully. Tense and excited as usual in combat, he lined up his rockets on the rearmost Marauder. I was in the best firing position he said later; I had aimed accurately and pressed my thumb flat on the release button--with no result, Maddening! He had forgotten about a second safety on the missiles.
Snapshots are walk on events hosted in the SEA II, and all are welcome. Forums are located
Friday August 19th, 2011 11:00pm Eastern in SEA I - Friday Night Squad Op's Frame 3 of
Decision at Dunkirk . Hosted by 68Lurch, Admin – Nefarious
FSO is a squad based event that is always recruiting. If your squad is interested in participating in FSO please check out the forums
HereSunday August 21st, 2011 8:00pm UK/3:00pm Eastern in SEA II - Sunday European Campaign hosted by Unclekurt. SEC’s Frame 3 of “Contingency 28”.
SEC is an event loosely based on historic military actions. Sunday European Campaign info can be found
Here. SEC forums are located
HereSunday August 21st, 2011 9:00pm Eastern in SEA I - Heavy Metal Sunday - Enduro S4R1. Hosted by Marshal/KAZ.
6:00 Pacific
7:00 Mountain
8:00 Central
9:00 Eastern
**THIRD SUNDAY EVERY MONTH** (off June and July)
Endurance Air Racing. Similar to the the AHXARL in function and form.
Heavy Metal Sunday adds the elements of refueling, unlimited re-ups, andnumerous amounts of laps.
Each race (one a month) has a different aircraft chosen by the previous months winner.
We are on season 4.
Check out our forum for the season points winner trophy pictures.
All Welcome!
Individual event info for Heavy Metal Sunday can be found
Here . Track layout and discussions on the individual HMS events can be found in the HMS forums