If you can find a nice place to mount it, it's a nice unit. I have some things I'd like to have changed in the design, but it is what it is.
It's nice for the throttle levers. Some of them are a little looser than others, but their position still reads as accurate. They simply have less fricton on them.
There's no center mark so it is hard to return them all to center when calibrating in-game.
They also have a virtual button (2 of them actually) at the lowest detent. There is also this physical detent that isn't very crisp. I hate it. I wish it wasn't there. The good news is that you rarely need accuracy in this area (whatever you are using it for, that's usually the minimum/off position).
I wouldn't go back to a single throttle after using this. It's too useful! You may not be able to use those buttons like you want, but if you can tilt it away from you slightly (depending on where you mount it) it's easier to rest your knuckles over the levers and drop your thumb down to the buttons. I get HOTAS out of it that way.
It's also tall. The base stands above whatever you decide to mount it on. On my chair arm it's not too bad. Up on my desk it is too high and uncomforatble. If you can live with the positioning, it's a very nice piece of equipment.
From left to right I have mapped: Aileron trim, Elev trim, zoom FOV, RPM1, Throt1, Throt2
I never want for much! Although I probably wouldn't mind another 6 levers too