An idea I've been kicking around...
Basically what I propose is a capturable "Supply Yard" which is zone linked to a certain number of bases, depending on the size of the map. On this small map and for the illustration of this example, I have linked it to 4 bases as shown below. The Supply Yard is denoted as S1 and the 4 Blue Arrows show the corresponding bases that it is linked to.

The Supply Yard will control the rate at which all base related operations are supplied. If you control the supply yard, all your bases run at normal operation, i.g., town buildings down 45 minutes, hangars down 15 minutes, ord down xx minutes, etc. Whatever the current settings are. If you don't control the supply yard however, all linked bases suffer a severe resupply penalty, and I would propose it be as much as two times as long, i.g., town buildings down 90 minutes, hangars down 30 minutes, etc.
The Supply Yard itself would not have spawns into it and would likely be mostly an aerial fight to secure this piece of territory. The Supply Yard would not be heavily fortified and would only have 4-6 auto acks and 2 player controlled acks. It would only require 10 troops to capture, with the maproom located in the center. As soon as it is captured, all acks are replenished for the new side and resupply penalties are set immediately to all enemy zone bases linked to it. The resupply penalties take effect to objects destroyed after it is captured, not before.
Benefits of this Idea-Increased strategy and game play immersion. As soon as the supply yard is captured, it will be important for the other side to begin plotting recapture attempts, while the side that just captured it will attempt to defend it while also exploiting the advantages of having secured this territory by bombing hangars taking down towns and capturing bases at an accelerated pace.
-Consistent flow of COMBAT. A furballers wet dream. There will always be heavy combat at and around these supply yards. Fights will not simply "dry up" in a volatile manner at which they currently often do.
-More dynamic mission planning. High number missions can now split their forces in a more reasonable manner in a multiple target offensive mission and also defensive missions.
-A consistent "ebb and flow" style of game play.
Disadvantages of this Idea-Possible unforeseen unbalances based on certain map configurations and base layouts. Kind of hard to predict until you see how it plays out.
-You tell me
More combat, Check. More targets, Check. More Strategy, Check. More ways to use teamwork and be rewarded for the effort, Check.
My belief is that this would be dually fun for strategy guys as well as furball guys.
Ready for a Big Minus 1 from Corky and WrongWay.
