It's supposed to be hard. If it was easy, then everyone would do it and the CVs would never be afloat, then there would be complaints of never having a CV available because it was too easy to get back.
When I wanted it back hard enough, then yes. Otherwise it didn't matter to me where it was.
There is no simple solution to one persons complaint when others don't think it's a problem. The game is there to play, with rewards and consequences. So play it. Keep the CV alive if you want it that bad. I honestly don't understand the problem.
That is exactly what you are suggesting should be done. You want someone who did, in fact, capture a fleet to have it taken away with no effort. Take it back or don't but one thing is for sure, that single fleet is not going to win the war for you if it takes 3 hours to find it. You could swallow half the map in that time and you're focused on one little boat. (shrug) To each his own.
So your saying if you wanted to keep the CV alive that force of 20 or 30 guys coming at you.... and only you more times than not... would just reach up and slap them all away right?
If the game was played FULLY as a team sport then I could understand your argument, however a MAJORITY of the players don't play it as a team. They have their agendas and in some cases that means starting a furball by moving a CV close to an enemy shore. But no, those people are not allowed to play the WAY THEY WANT because someone else is allowed to hide the CV away.
Sure you can get a CV back. Half dozen guys hit the port quick and hard and capture it, then they up GVs and hold it for as long as they can. Meanwhile another half dozen guys are scoring the enemy sea lanes looking for the CV. after 30-40 minutes it's found and buffs are dispatched. 15 minutes later, it's sunk, and 30 minutes later it respawns IF they still hold the port. Now 2 hours have been used to GET the CV and now you wait until it can steam into position for an attack.
None of this even remotely looks like a furball yet it ALL has to be to get one started. Heaven forbid you only log on for an hour or two, you'll NEVER get it close.
People play the game many ways and I'm all for that, it is why HTC put all that stuff in there. However, hiding a CV is a quick easy way to grab, and KEEP with out defending a base counted toward the "win da warz". You sya "you want the CV defend it", I say you want to hide the CV then defend the port. If the port is taken back and the enemy doesn't fight to get it back they don't get to hide the CV and it automatically reverts to the new owner of the port. Same principle.