Recently, I attempted to try out a Logitech gamepad with AH. Which required me to mess with my controls for the first time in years. The end result however was a complete headache. The gamepad had horribly screwed up my controls.
Whats even worse is, When i switched back to mouse flying and clicked "default controls", It still had my buttons in some strange setup that they weren't before

Thankfully after screwing around with the controls for awhile i was able to finally get them back to normal.
But this incident makes me wish there was a way to save different control schemes.
Like, I could save my mouse controls as "mouse controls", Then have "gamepad controls" and if ever i feel like switching between the two. I'd simply go to options>controls>choose layout>"mouse controls"
Not sure if this is already within AH, I don't think ive seen it, but then again i haven't messed around with control options alot. Would be very useful to be able to backup old controls in case you decide to experiment with a diff control option and something goes horribly wrong. (like in my case.