Author Topic: I have been looking for a posted film from Drediock  (Read 259 times)

Offline Chauncy

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I have been looking for a posted film from Drediock
« on: September 17, 2011, 04:39:39 PM »
Has anybody seen a posted film from Drediock where he is in a 190 and I am in a p51?  We were dancing relatively high each trying to get position and i turned and ended up over 3k away from him.  He then turned to me and I to him.  At that point it turned into a head-on and about 1.5+ out I saw his tracers, I fired a burst and yanked.  His cannon rounds took out my wing(?) but my 50's got his eng.  No biggie, my fault for looking a 190 in the face.  But after I bailed I get this taunting post as to "That is what you get for HOing all the time."  ?huh?.  Drediock proceeded to state that he let me try to HO him like 5 times then finally got fed up and "Taught" me a lesson.  He said he had the film. I said I would be more than happy to view the film if he would please post it. Since when I bailed I simply clicked the cancel button on my film save not thinking anything special about the encounter. I am not looking for a big discussion on HO vs HO etc.  I really don't mind somebody HO-ing me because that is a tactic.  Guns face forward (most anyway), so you have to point your plane at the tgt to shoot at it. I don't see anybody complaining about an AR234 (TAIL-ing) them.  It is a tactic similar to playing chicken.  I have used it as well, but I really only saw one time (the last) that we actually faced nose to nose.  The rest were maneuvering passes.  I guess it was the taunt of "Teaching" me a lesson that pissed me off.  If somebody has seen the film or if you Drediock would post it, or if you already have somehow let me know where it is because I have searched. I would be more than gracious to let others judge, not the ethical aspect of a HO, but the simple analysis of the fight to see if the taunt was warranted.  If those that view it say that I repeatedly tried to HO you with you witholding fire I will appologise for my rant on 200.  However, if you review your own film and realise it was not so, a simple "Sorry for the taunt" would suffice.

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