While flying south of Guadalcanal there was a knock at the door. MGD ,Blbird,Cpta and Bigkev were playing cards, Vulcan was in the can doing what he does best, Husker was doe-eyed looking at an old National Geographic, and Tyrnm,Sirb and Matelot were out back grabbing a beer. I got up from my knitting and answered it. A nice young man was standing there, well dressed,clean shaven...a nice boy. He said "Please sign here" pointing to a line on his clipboard.
I brought the package inside and set it on the card table. MGD said "Open her up...maybe its Vulcan's Midget Series!" So I open the box and lo and behold whats there? Ten buttocks of various shapes and shades each with our own names on it! We were thrilled, for the past few weeks the simple task of sitting has been painful. Apparantly we'd all lost them, but according to the note inside the box, the good folks at G3-MF found them at about 8k, and decided to hand them to us special delivery.