Maybe an ability to fork over a couple fighter/bomber perkies in exchange for a 30 second limited repair service at the rearm pad?
And when i mean limited, i simply mean that things like rudders/elevators are replaced, along with oil leaks&fuel leaks. But things like damage to the wings&airframes (bullet holes, structural weakness) and the cockpit stay the same.
Also, if you have a PW, your unable to repair yourself.
Just a thought
Ever hammer out control surface ribs?
Run control surface cables?
Recover fabric control surfaces?
Even with a Stewarts covering system, it's not a 30 second job by any means. are no repairs that can be affected to an airplane in 30 seconds that will negate combat damage, nor make it more airworthy. In most cases, 30 minutes isn't even enough.
Now, if someone wants to park on a hot pad, in the hanger and wait for an hour, taking the chance that someone will bomb, strafe or do some otherwise disastrous deed to the toolshed while you are in it, I say go for it.