Author Topic: Writing Review, Want Some Input  (Read 1336 times)

Offline crabofix

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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2000, 06:02:00 PM »
Originally posted by Dago:
Any and all reviews of Aces High should include the following:

"and when Dago shows up, all know fear, as Dago is the ultimate warrior"


"And then Dago wakes up, finding out it was just a dream, even if it was nice.
OUCH! He screamed when his father found out that Dago been using one of his credit cards and found another way for to use the beltbuckle.unwillingly Dago slips into his dream again"

[This message has been edited by crabofix (edited 04-10-2000).]

Offline Hangtime

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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2000, 06:31:00 PM »

 Hang's sittin in the O Club lounge; munching beernuts, listening to the guy at the piano and tossin the reject peanuts at the back of the BPO's head. *plink*

In comes this guy with a pile of notepaper, a disheveled briefcase and old Rand typewriter. In his hat (as if it was necessary) is a tattered card that sez PRESS. This guy eyeballs the room and slides on over to Hangs table... the only available chairs in the room.

"Hi!"  Sez the reporter... and he takes a seat. Hang looks up, gives the guy the once-over and goes back to sortin the beernuts fer aerodynamics. "Wuz wonderin if you'd mind answering a few questions for the folks back home??..."

Hang smiles, and since he's obviously got nothin better to do; nods slowly to the civilian and sez "Price of admission.. one Bud. In the bottle. and more ammo."

"Ammo??" Hang points at the beernuts. “Yah.” He picks one up and tosses it at the BPO's pate, misses; grunts "ballistics, my ass" and sighs. "Yah; ammo. Bring some round ones." (*plink*)

When he returns, the reporter passes a fresh bowl of nuts, the beer and a typed list of questions. Hang spills the nuts on the table; and begins to sort by feel while eyballing the questions.

“Humph. Nothin interesting here… Yah the community here in AH is damn friendly fer a buncha folks that spend their spare time killin each other. Kinda reminds me of when that brand W sim fired up. I spent years there mailin the equivalent of a house payment per month to the developer. When the original guys sold it; it went ta hell in a hand basket pretty quick.. connections sucked. Whiners everywhere. It turned into an amazinhunk contest after awile. New stuff was kinda porked… nothin to write home about after the first coupla years. I moved on to other prop sims. Kali and Janes and such. Not the same tho… no, just not the same as the old brand W.”

“So; what makes Aces High better than AW; WB’s or the or the other multiplay WWII sims??”

Hang muses; sorts. Swigs his beer; selects his target; tosses. (*plink*)  “Well; fer one thing, the guys I really enjoyed flyin with and against wound up over here. Best on this planet fly here in AH. And sure; the play quality and technical crapola like flight models; AC fidelity; artwork; gunnery and ballistics (*plink*) and arena strategy is better in AH, but that ain’t it. At least that ain’t all of it.”


“Well; its kinda embarrassing actually.  Not sure if this is appropriate fer yer article. I mean; what’ll the kids think??” The reporter, used to digging a bit fer the substance closes angles and fires again. “In what regards???”

Hang points at the now empty beer bottle and smiles.

“…beer??”  Sez the reporter, somewhat incredulously. “No”, sez Hang… “refill. It’s EMPTY”.

The reporter.. sure he’s onto some hot stuff; scrambles for a refill, and returns to the scene of the action as hang deftly fires a barrage of sorted ammo at various targets about the room. (*plink plink plink plink*) Dead on; he tags 10 for ten and sits back with the fresh beer and smiles benignly at the reporter. “Sheep” he says.

“WHAT??” The reporter is caught flat footed.  Hang never misses a beat. “Well; yah. Sheep. Wooly little critters with big eyes and permanent sweaters. The place is infested with ‘em. There’s one now; waitin on the knit tables there in the rear.” Sure enuff; one with a flat head meanders by, totin green bottles to the LW boys back in the back.  “Yer kiddin!!?? .. aintcha??” The press is speechless.

Hang; sucks down some more brew; eyeballs the pundit. “Yah. I’m kiddin. Had yah there fer a sec, tho didn’t I??” A slow smile appears. “Ok; the real skinny. What makes this a better show is the better class of people involved. ‘Better class’ meaning folks that give a damn about the product developing it; and lots of folks flying it that KNOW the intent and honor it while contributing input to the project while it’s being developed. It’s loyalty; and concern for the initial concept of creating something NEW and DIFFERENT and EXCITING; and being there watching and enjoying the developments as it happens. Every new revision seems to raise the level of excitement, every error or omission is ruthlessly analyzed by the community; and fella, lemme tell yah… when the developers are right there in the plane next to you, you KNOW they understand when yah bark ‘this is bogus!’. Show me another prop Sim like this; built like this; revised like this; flown by THIS high quality crowd.. (hang looks at the knits in the back) …well, scratch that last…  but you get my point.”

At this point; the BPO rises from his seat at the bar; turns to leave and in passing; dumps a bowl of beernuts on hangs head. “See?? …and where else would a developer put up with my crap; but here. Enh?? Interview over. I gotta ewe ta see about an itch. Or is that an itch ta see that ewe… oh well. I ferget. Thanks fer the beers.”

Hang; out!
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Spoons - SimHQ

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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2000, 06:56:00 PM »
That's priceless....  

Very funny...and don't worry, the sheep will be featured.  

John Sponauer
Senior Editor,

Offline easymo

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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2000, 08:01:00 PM »
 Cant belive the guys still whining about the realistic peanuts.

Offline MiG Eater

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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2000, 09:31:00 PM »
Methinks the beernuts are WAY overmodeled.  The sheep are friendly, the flying is good and the comraderie, even among "enemies," is great.  What more could you ask for?  


Right...  more beer <G>

Offline bloom25

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« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2000, 09:59:00 PM »
What do we have that other sims don't?  Answer:  We have Hangtime!  (BTW: I'm a Knight, not nit, Knight!   )  As for the sheep, they are even better than before.  The have been reprogrammed to migrate around the base in perfect box formation. (Honestly, I'm not lying.)  Can you show me another flight sim where the sheep are so well modeled?  Didn't think so!

In all honesty, it's the community and the sense of momentum that this sim currently enjoys.  Every couple weeks we get new features, keeping the game from getting stale due to having no significant changes for over a year.  The developers also seem intensely committed to seeing this game succeed.  Take a look at when 1.02 was released.  HTC worked late to not only release 1.02, but they even stuck around for a while to answer questions.  If that wasn't good enough, they released a patch on a Saturday to fix a couple minor bugs with the new version.  That's dedication!


Offline Swager

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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2000, 10:43:00 PM »
The truely amazing thing is when I log on I just don't get in a plane and fly.  I check to see who else is on.  Not just my squadmates (JG2) but the entire Knight clan.  Flying with the 332nd or the Buccaneers is a huge rush.  The manner in which others greet you as they get a VIS on your plane!  Makes ya feel kinda warm and fuzzy inside!!    

Then I check the enamas.  There are many bad assed pilots with a large amount of on-line sim experience behind them.  Everytime ya run into them they are finding new way to kill ya.    

But it goes both ways!!    

I view, smile, and think to myself, "Oh!  A bunch of them Flying Hams on tonite."  Off to War they say?  Hey, no kidding! Them bastiages be tough!!  

Or the 357th Ponytail Express!   Where there is one there are sure to be more.  I usually find out to late!!    Many, Many other squadrons and sim pilots that take your breath away by the way they just dispatched you.  

HTC is very dynamic!  They never seem content.  Always pushing for better but at the same time listening to the people who matter the most, the players.  The care that goes into forming the detailed functions of the Simulation is incredible!

I popped into this sim back in October of 99 and I have never been disappointed.  This is my first on-line sim so I don't know much.  I only know the sensation I feel when logging on. I feel "part" of a special community.  People from all over the world sharing in something that has been an intrest of mine ever since I was a kid,  World War II Aircraft!

This feeling has alot to do with the squad I am a member of. But then that is another topic.  You're gona have a good story here Spoons!!   Good Luck!!

A hearty salute to the entire AH community!!    

-XO- II/JG2~Richthofen~
"Damn.....I can't believe I missed that shot!!!"
JG2 "Richthofen"

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 04-10-2000).]
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.


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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2000, 12:54:00 AM »
I hate beernuts.

[This message has been edited by Hairball (edited 04-11-2000).]

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2000, 12:58:00 AM »
Jeeze Bloom.. yer a Knight??? (look of shocked disbelief)

Damnme.. don't tell the knits, they may not be so understanding about the iron undies.

Do you get a free Malcom Hood with that getup?

Hang (runnin)
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline tshred

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« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2000, 05:50:00 AM »
Well, I can't say it any better than has already been stated.

1. Flight Models
2. Customer Service/Developer Interaction
3. Connection
4. Price
5. Gameplay
6. Community

All of the above I believe should be #1 reasons for my involvement with Aces, but if I had to order them, that's how they would be listed. No other online flight sim on the market can boast 6 good #1 reasons for paying them your hard earned money. HTC is the most friendly, hard working bunch of programmers in today's online sim market as far as I'm concerned.


Offline gatt

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« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2000, 06:31:00 AM »
if I'm not wrong, yesterday evening (GMT+1 here) our 1°Gruppo and 4°Stormo Caccia C.205s clashed with you and other guys North of A31.
I shot you down after a nice low-alt fight and you cried a "good fight 205's!" on channel 1. I replied with the usual: "<S> Spit driver!".
Anyway, I really cant remember how many times I radioed <S> to my foes .... I like this community and this sim: yeah, the first sim to model the mighty MACCHI C.202 "Folgore" and C.205 "Veltro", ever.
In other words: in AH you really feel the simmer's enthusiasm. And the feed-back form HTC is excellent.

4°Stormo CT

[This message has been edited by gatt (edited 04-11-2000).]
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline Spoons - SimHQ

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Writing Review, Want Some Input
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2000, 06:54:00 AM »
>if I'm not wrong, yesterday evening (GMT+1 here) our 1 Gruppo and 4 Stormo Caccia C.205s clashed with you and other guys North of A31. I shot you down after a nice low-alt fight and you cried a "good fight 205's!" on channel 1. I replied with the usual: "<S> Spit driver!".

hehehehehe...nope, wasn't me.  I fly the G10.  But you probably HAVE shot me down at some point.  LOL

John Sponauer
Senior Editor,