Author Topic: List skins in hangar in order of _1 through _15 position  (Read 258 times)

Offline Krusty

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List skins in hangar in order of _1 through _15 position
« on: November 03, 2011, 12:09:49 AM »
You go into the hangar and choose a skin, and it's a random jumble. It's not alphabetical, and besides there are a number of skins with the same name from the same skinner sometimes (4 Spit14 skins all with same name, but different skin look, for example).

It doesn't help at all trying to find a skin logically, and if you're trying to compare a skin file in a list of similar names it's impossible.

I wish the skins list would start "Default" at the main position, then list in order of the skin's inclusion to the game. So

for bf109k4:

bf109k4_1's name
bf109k4_2's name
bf109k4_3's name
bf109k4_4's name

would be in-game:

II./JG3 by Archaius
JG52 by NrRaven
9/JG27 by NrRaven
9./JG53 by Wotan

It won't hurt those that don't care about order in any way, and it would actually be a useful reference for those trying to cross reference which skin file goes to which skin name.

For those always asking "any new skins?" the newest would be at the bottom. For those noticing a swapped-out skin on a full slot plane (like P-51 that sometimes rotates skins) it would also let you easily pinpoint what the new skin is vs what was changed on the skins download list, instead of scrolling through them all trying to find which was replaced and what's gone.

EDIT: For those asking "How do you know what names goes with what skin?" you simply check the skins download page here:

Offline colmbo

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Re: List skins in hangar in order of _1 through _15 position
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 07:49:56 AM »
Along with your wish -- a thumbnail of the skin next to it's name on the downloads page.

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Offline Krusty

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Re: List skins in hangar in order of _1 through _15 position
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 08:54:12 AM »
Skuzzy says that's just not possible right now.

I'm working on an updated skins catalog (my own brand) with screenshots and last-update dates for all, so when I get that done it'll be helpful in lieu of the official HTC page having it.

Offline Hap

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Re: List skins in hangar in order of _1 through _15 position
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 09:25:04 AM »
Along with your wish -- a thumbnail of the skin next to it's name on the downloads page.
:aok :aok

Offline Krusty

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Re: List skins in hangar in order of _1 through _15 position
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 09:45:30 AM »
I've begun preliminary groundwork for my catalog page. If you 2 would like to chime in for feedback on size/quality of the screenshots, see here:,323047.0.html

(and, thanks if you do!)