Still, the numerical superior side, which has enough numbers to being able to "afford" to divert a sizeable portion of their players to a strat raid would much less interest to do so, while the underdogs can't pull it off due to the horrid tactical situation without hurting their own defense.
(Just like real life... thing of the desperate & puny tries of the Luftwaffe to mount offensive bombing missions as late as 1944 instead of fully concentrating on the defense)
It would be entirely possible in this system for three sides to be pretty much even and all have damaged ENY factories thus blocking P-51D fans from being able to fly the P-51D no matter which side they were on.
That's the problem with ENY: It's floating quickly. It may take 1 hour, often even more if you take everything into account, until a big raid will finally bomb the strats. Meanwhile the overall numbers can be very much different and the effect is either zero, or may have a contrary effect on balancing. And any effect resulting from bombing the strats should last for a long time no matter what, and not just the ~45 minutes it has now, or again player will find it worthless to attack targets that are back up before they have even returned to base.