Author Topic: Please let me say thanks to .......  (Read 285 times)

Offline dhyran

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Please let me say thanks to .......
« on: November 18, 2011, 08:25:59 AM »
RedTail7 and unclkurt!

Both joined the CM team and worked hard to push the SEC series forward!
And i have to give a special thanks to the CM Roc and the CM Team lead 4440
All these gents  had spent a lot of time to train the new CM with know how!
Unclkurt joined in May and runs a couple of frames all on his own with big success, while Redtail7 just joined the SEC CM team and he created a phantastic Setup for December!

We have now two CO, our Head to Head competitors
 for December’s SEC event, “Beachhead” ANZIO!

Representing the Axis command:
Representing  the Allied command:


Also a snappy Salute for both of you stepping up
Please take a closer look at the upcoming December SEC setup  and please Join us!
_____________________________ _____________________________ ____________

Beachhead ANZIO


The ANZIO operation was initially the plan of Winston Churchill himself in late 1943. Churchill understanding the situation facing Allied forces at the Gustav Line wanted to mass enough forces to out flank the resistance and move on to capture Rome. The Allied General Staff planners of the Italian campaign reviewed the plan and decided to implement the operation as a way to pull General Field Marshal Albert Kesselrings forces off of the Gustav line in order to capture the Abbey at Monte Cassino. The Abbey at Monte Cassino was a large Christian monastery established in the year 529 AD.  Where the monastery was constructed gave the occupiers a commanding view of the Rapido, Liri and Garigliano valleys. It also gave a grand view of several other peaks in the Apennine mountains region and the Rapido River. This made it the ideal command post for the German Wehrmacht’s defense of the entire Gustav line.

The German Wehrmacht was able to hold the Allied advance to Rome at Monte Cassino and the Gustav line during the winter blizzard in December of 1943. If the Allied forces could not dislodge the Germans from the Abbey fighting could continue for months in miserable conditions, hence “Beachhead ANZIO”.

This AH SEC event will recreate three key turning points of the Battle around ANZIO. We invite you to participate in this three frame event. So, strap on, buckle up, and hang on for what promise to be a great SEC event.

Battle Elements and Event Schedule

• December 3rd, Sink the Anglo-American Fleet
• December 10th, Battle of Cisterna
• December 17th, Destroy the Gustav Line Support Facilities

~ 3:00pm US EST ~ 8:00 GMT ~ 21:00 CET

ANZIO Trailer

History Frame 1

On January 22, 1944 more than 37,000 Allied troops launched an amphibious invasion of Anzio, about 35 miles south of Rome. Although they established a beachhead by nightfall, the Allied forces could not break out of the city. On January 23rd the Luftwaffe, attacked the Allied positions and two hospital ships in the harbor. Four Army Air Corps fighter groups and their squadrons took on the task of repelling enemy air raids; among them was the 99th Fighter Squadron.

On Jan. 27 and 28, formations of FW-190 German warplanes raided Anzio. Eleven pilots from the 99th Fighter Squadron shot down enemy fighters in those two days. Among the victors was Capt. Hall, who had scored the squadron's first aerial victory, shot down two planes.

Eight fighter squadrons were involved in the air defense of Anzio those two days, and together they shot down 32 enemy aircraft. Of these, the 99th Fighter Squadron had the highest score: 13. The most enemy aircraft shot down by any of the other squadrons in those two days was seven.Pilots from the 99th Fighter Squadron earned four more aerial victory credits on Feb. 5 and 7, pushing the squadron's total to 18.

Frame 1 - Sink the Anglo-American Fleet. (Anti-Shipping Interdiction)


Spitfire V
Spitfire IX

Allied Objectives: The Allies will defend the Anglo-American Invasion fleet off the shoreline of the town of Anzio. The Spitfires will launch from A110 and fly high cap over the Anzio beachhead. The P-40Fs will launch from A115 and fly a low altitude CAP over the invasion fleet.

Restrictions – Allied pilots are restricted to the following boundaries of the 8 sector line west and 15 sector line north. All aircraft must carry 100% fuel loads.



Axis Objectives: The Axis will attempt sink the Anglo-American fleet supporting troops landing ashore at Anzio. The Anglo-American fleet will be located in sector 8, 13. The JU88s will launch from A83.  All Axis fighters will launch from Viterbo A88. The FW190s will dive bomb the invasion fleet. The Me109s and C205 will fly high CAP for the attacking FW190s and JU88s.

Restrictions – All Axis pilots are restricted to the following boundaries of the 13 sector line south and the 11 sector line east. All aircraft must carry 100% fuel loads.

Victory Conditions


The Allies must successfully keep the Axis dive and level bombers from sinking six invasion fleet ships. If the Allies are able to down 35 or more aircraft during the frame, one less sunken fleet ship will count against the Allies objectives.


The absence of this successful sinking of six ships (2) Cargo ships (2) destroyers (2) cruisers by frames end means that the Allies succeeded in landing the invasion force on the ANZIO beachhead.

Frame 1 Arena Setting:

Arena Settings:
1. Terrain – Italy (Latest Map)
2. Icon Range - short
3. Wind – 10 kts W
4. Time – Start time 1000
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 about 7 miles
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility - 10
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel – 1.5
11. Ack - .4
12. Kill Shooter - off
13. Tower Range – 36,960 for display to match the above setting.
14. Radar – Off

Designer Notes:
Lives = 3 per player

More info also under :

Snappy Salute
SEC team lead
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 08:29:28 AM by dhyran »

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~