guys theres an issue with getting into the AVA. if you get a error downloading the map. you can try 1 of 3 things.
1. go to custom arena, and look for a setup running called AVAsml. if you see it, join it, and it should download the map to your machine. once you get into the tower, leave and go to the AVA arena and it should let you in
2. if not, create your own arena using the avasml map. just pick the map and hit create. once you in the tower, it will have loaded to your machine and you can try going back to the AVA and see if you can get in
3. go to this link>,323793.0.html page 2 there is a post i made with a link to the res file. just download it into your ahiiter folder and then it should allow you to get in, until skuzzy gets this all straightnened out.