also maybe bigger water barriers in the tank town... it might be hard to find a fight with that much real estate...
also if you want a wide open area with no cover all you have to do is add some water in the same tile and it removes any clutter

it may seem counter intuitive but AH almost suffers from to much clutter with no open areas.
makes tankers once in a while wish that they didnt have so much crap obstructing the line of fire.
biggest thing that makes a tank battle fun (imo) is oposing fortified hull down positions. strongpoints that can be held based on their location (hull down high ground with good field of view etc) whoever controls the hill has the advantage etc.
bottlenecks and chokepoints are also great to have as it concentrates the fight into a giant conflagration of exploding tanks. the canyon terrains do this well because they force the ground war into confined spaces making the action more intense. I believe water barriers can also concentrate the action.
thats my only suggestion with this fantastic terrain is the tank town is very similar to NB's tank town with the 20k walls. that tank town fell into disuse because it was almost impossible to find an enemy tank with all the clutter and open real estate... and also v135 and the other south vbase setup made gv action much faster in those areas. in essense... i think trying to make players in tanks run into eachother instead of driving in opposite directions and never seeing eachother requires a ground front that is close as possible to one full square.
I think my general mode of thinking whenever designing a map and tank battle spots specifically was... How many explosions can I make happen at one time to make this spot a complete conflagration of carnage?