Author Topic: How about a new 'positive' topic? Trains!~ and how I think they'll be implemented  (Read 487 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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I realize that this should be in the gameplay forum, but I like to start positive threads after reading so many negative ones from time to time:

I  see the potential for a new strat structure forming from this, maybe not at first when trains get here, but it leaves pandora's box open for a new strat model.

~Front line high-performance fighters availability:
Add this to the "perk plane" side of the house, where ones strat can be affected by trains and routes, if no trains are making it to the front lines, a country is limited in production of certain plane types like FW190-Dora, or LA7's, or P51D' know, the higher performance type fighters.
~Fuel/Ammo supplies:
Again, one could have several different train types that would provide various weapon types and/or fuel types to "front line" fields, ie. the fields closest to the front.
~Ack Wagons:
A few trains will most likely have the 'flip-side box' where the enemy strafer will be faced with some lead coming back at them, this will be one way to help protect their precious cargo.
I would very much enjoy an occasional run down the tracks, listening to broadcasts from local countrymen of imminent attacks (remember, trains did not have radar!), adds yet something new and 'fun'.

Throw your comments in, I'd love to hear what you'd like to see.

Offline Nifty

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you'd limit the one trick pony???   ;)  hehe, sorry, couldn't resist!   :p

Sounds good.  Tho personally, I wouldn't wanna drive a train myself, but gunning from one would be kinda interesting!  Definitely looking forward to strafing/bombing some trains.  That was my favorite type of mission in Aces over Europe!  

One thing that needs to be looked at is the track.  Will the tracks always be there?  If so, can I damage the tracks with bombs, or will the gameplay be similar to runways, in that I can bomb them, but planes can take off just fine over them.  

Will there be bridges over rivers that could be taken out (this would be tons of fun in Special Events!  Supply interdiction missions, here we come!!!)

The trains should have some supply aspect associated with them.  Perhaps instead of a just a detriment when destroyed, they also speed up rebuilding at fields when operating at 100%.   Say rebuilds are affected 15% (happen 15% faster) when the rails are at 100%, are unaffected at 75% rail capacity, and have some maximum penalty to rebuild times at 0% rails and use a sliding scale from 75% down to 0%.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline buhdman

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OK, who are you and what have you done with Ripsnort?!?   :D

Seriously, though, I hope to my deepest depths that "they" find some way to tie trains and roads and whatever to a more sophisticated strat system.  I like the ideas you have mentioned, but I would like to see it expand into a system of supply networks that you could attack and systematically shut down and have some serious impact on the ability to fight from the affected airfields.
Perhaps it could be something like, if supply lines are cut, then an absolute plane/vehicle/fuel/whatever limit is set for the affected field.  Something to end this endless stream of defensive go carts that spawn from a field during the end-phase of an attack, and something in addition to destroying the hangars.  For example, destroy the hangars = no planes, cut supply lines = you have 10 planes of x type to defend with.  
This may be dreaming, but it might work.

(btw, thanks for the "positive" thread!)

Buhdman, out

Offline Zippatuh

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Vehicle spawn points from the train.  :D

“Excuse me sir, would you mind giving me a hand.  I’d like to drop my Panzer off at the next stop!”

1) Capture train.
2) Park it next to field, or hell in the field where ever the station is.
3) Spawn GV’s like crazy.

I like it anyways.

Did I mention putting some tunnels in wide enough to try and fly through?



  • Plutonium Member
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One thing I would suggest is some element of uncertainty regarding attacking trains.

Basically some should be defenseless and others loaded with 37mm and quad 20mm AAA guns that could be in those custom rail cars with dropping sides so we dont know they are defended untill they drop the sides and begin firing.

As for strat Im not sure how this would work, as the number of trains in AH is almost certainly to be far less than in RL and their chances of quick destruction far higher- so any real strat effect they have would have to be limited as not to unbalance the consequences of their destructuion.

One way they could be used for strat is to speed up recovery of damaged bases, strat facilites, HQs and so on. But then this would need some sort of player control to direct their routes.

As far as im concerend right now we could use them without a signifant strat element, as they would be a welcome change and intersting addition.

Pyro said tis new rail system could accomodate roadways and rivers so that is something else to look forward too.

For example it would be nice if tanks and vehicles ran somewhat faster on the roads vs. cross country. And maybe their progress impeeded by blown up bridges etc.

Anyway i look forward to it.

My only concern, as usual is that trains dont become used as dweeby vulch machines or any serious direct offensive weapon to use in field capure, ie. please no green channel messages send T15 to A37 for direct fire on FHs etc. Armed trains were used in combat but most ofen in defensuve and anti-parisan activities in the east.

Offline popeye

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A simple way to add trains to the Strat would be to use them to transport raw materials that affect rebuild times the way other Strat elements do now.

Rather than transporting fuel, ammo, and planes, to the front lines, trains could transport oil, chemicals, and parts between elements of a country's industrial complex.  (This would also require sorties deep into the country, and minimize "camping" on rail spawn points.)

For instance, a train would run between an oil field, and a refinery every 30 minutes.  For every train that DOESN'T arrive at the refinery, rebuild time for that  country's airfield fuel is extended by 15 minutes.  So, kill one tanker train, and fuel rebuild time is extended from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, until the next train arrives.  Kill two trains in a row, and rebuild time is extended to 60 minutes, until the next train arrives, then it drops to 45 minutes until the following train arrives, etc.

Chemical trains would affect ammo rebuild times, and parts trains would affect hangar rebuild times.

Or.....something.   :)

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Dowding

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I don't really care provided they make a nice juicy explosion when the rockets from my tiffie hit home.  :)

What would be cool is if some 'decoy' trains were mixed in with the genuine supply trains, just like they did during WW2. Basically they look the same, but boast nothing but ack and flak. Would spice things up a little.

It would great if we had destroyable bridges to be utilized in scenarios.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Swager

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I asked about trains and railways long ago. I even asked Pyro about it on-line once when he was in blue.  He basically ignor.....

Ah! Forget it.  Its not worth it!   :)
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline 10Bears

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I have two requests..

flat rolling stock... You can land on it.

A rail gun..

Offline PapaH

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Hi Yall...haven't posted here much, but this topic is GREAT!!

As I see it, as some have said, it will be important to keep trains from becoming the next carbomb in the main arena.  Ithink the most appropriate thing is a degradation in plane/vehicle availability depending on pressure exerted on the rail lines.

Also, damaging track seems a little too easy...perhaps rail STATIONS would be better...percent of damage at staion limits total number of trains that can run.  Similar to what we have now with fleets...control(or destroy) the port, and no fleet for YOU!

The bottom line?  The chance to do a Ploesti-like scenario using FLAK TRAINS!!  WooooHoooo!  :eek:

Also, blowing them up with P47s like all that luscious gun camera footage we all grew up drooling over!


Can't wait...

8=X Col. PapaH
Cutthroats Mercenary Company

Offline Westy MOL

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Hey PapaH! long time  :)

 Trains and roads.  Bu cod just look at 10bears new terrainand I can smell the coal exhaust!!!  I can't wait. I feel like a candidate fot eh Heinz ketchup 'anticipation' ad  :)

 I'd hope they can add mannable flak cars to these things at least.

 Add in a B24, the IAR-80 and we have a Ploesti?  :)
