Author Topic: S'il vous plait...  (Read 915 times)

Offline B-17

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S'il vous plait...
« on: December 13, 2011, 09:34:36 PM »
I, the humble B-17, have come to this forum to inquire about 2 things.

The first being would anybody (who is serious) care to e-mail me a runthrough of how to make an offline mission, in layman's terms?
I have tried to figure out how to do one, but I can only get it so I have 1 flight, from one country.
B-29s vs. a bunch of 262s and 163s, in case you were wondering...

The second being... would anyone with Offline Mission experience care to make a mission for me, if they aren't willing to give me a tutorial?
PM me OR reply to the thread if yes/no/maybe later.

Thank you, gents!


Offline FBCrabby

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Re: S'il vous plait...
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2011, 02:36:55 AM »
it has a easy tutorial included already - but you also have to wait until the next release for the bug fixes - FB$ - Proud Squadron Of Aces High II

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