I never intended anything shady. I just wanted to share what I thought was a cool idea, that worked when I experimented with it.
If you like the idea of dynamic title music, are handy with Windows, and want to build your own add-on with your own music, it's simple:
Here's the script for the song rotation: "rotate_title.bat"
This goes in the sounds folder:
@echo off
rename title0.mp3 title_.mp3
rename title1.mp3 title0.mp3
rename title2.mp3 title1.mp3
rename title3.mp3 title2.mp3
(... and so on)
rename titleS.mp3 titleR.mp3
rename title_.mp3 titleS.mp3
Here 's the script for the game launcher: "title_music_launcher.bat"
This goes in the game folder with the aceshigh.exe
@echo off
cd sounds
call rotate_title.bat
cd ..
start aceshigh.exe
Add your own mp3 files to the sounds folder following the naming convention:
(... and so on)
(... and so on)
Customize the rotate script to how ever many mp3 files you want to use in the rotation.
Create a shortcut to the launcher script, and boom, you've got new music each time you start the game with the launcher.
There's more than one way to do it, obviously.