Author Topic: Honour and the year 2012  (Read 1577 times)

Offline MK-84

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2012, 02:13:14 AM »
I have Honor...For example Honesty  :D

I will Pick:  If you do not pay attention, it is not my fault for taking advantage, nor am I going to try to figure if you are not paying attention.

I will vulch:  No one forces you to up from that base,  I want the base, you are not getting off the ground if I can help it.

I will run:  Sorry I will not take my 190A8 and enter a turnfight with your spit16.  If I run it's because I screwed up earlier, still doing it though, and still alive =D

I will HO:  Absoutley!  Most pilots just point towards the target and fire, I can be offcentered and give it a rudderkick, something that usually isnt expected.  Additionally, depending the circumstances...totally a valid tactic.  It's like a game of chicken, if you turn first I might get the advantage.  (once again this is usually because I screwed up earlier)

I will bomb****:  Thats how you call it.  If it's red, it's dead, if you do not like it, get your squad to provide fighter cap over where you are GV'ing.  If you dont have a squad, either join one or consider where you up a GV, no one forces you to afterall.

I will gang:  I apologize that you flew into five of us, but that isn't my fault, pay attention!  Or I am sorry we shot down four of your friends and you were left. (good for you btw)  Or I'm sorry I'm flying with my squad or in a mission, but preserving your airplane is lower on the list than my teamates, and if I can help it you are not going to get a shot off.

I will (sometimes) be an alt monkey:  I'm impatient, but apparently less impatient as many of you.  So I will absolutely (if I don't get bored)  climb to an altitude that will give me the advantage!  You can do this too, it takes a bit of time and patience though.  When I'm at my best, I totally follow through with Luche's Idea of flying (the Red BaronII post he did)  I want my cartoon pilot to land :) (happens rarely)

I will Horde: there's nothing more fun than upping dozens of bombers for a deep raid at high alt into enemy territory.  I wish there was more opposition, but that's up the the enemy, not me.  I also like going up against this for what its worth (prolly nothing)  Or If I want an under the Dar mission to capture a base (you'd be surprised how often these do not work)

I will camp:  Don't up from a camped spawn if you do not like it!  If you're offering a free kill, of course I'll take it!  I would not expect anything other than that.  Spawning there is your choice.

I will use my knowledge to my advantage:  I will purposely make sure my Panther or Tiger or TigerII will be opposing you at longer ranges and -->Facing you<--  if I can help it.  The better magnification, and armour puts the ball very much in my court.  It isn't "gaming the game"  it's simple math, your T34/76 is not going to penetrate my front upper/lower hull plate from 2400yrds.  I know this, that's the whole point
     Likewise I am going to use aircraft as I best see fit.  I am not entering your low alt furball with a me262, P51, FW190, Temp, or P47.  I might with a Am62, but do not expect me to enter the type of fight you want if that isn't how I'm flying.

So There's my version of honor, thats how I see things, and now everyone can see how I fly :)  If you are concerned about these issues you may PM me at MK84 and ask if I'm in the area, then you will not have to question how I fly :D

P.S.  I'm so going to take flak for this arnt I? :uhoh

Offline Daubie

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2012, 02:44:42 AM »
I have Honor...For example Honesty  :D

I will Pick:  If you do not pay attention, it is not my fault for taking advantage, nor am I going to try to figure if you are not paying attention.

I will vulch:  No one forces you to up from that base,  I want the base, you are not getting off the ground if I can help it.

I will run:  Sorry I will not take my 190A8 and enter a turnfight with your spit16.  If I run it's because I screwed up earlier, still doing it though, and still alive =D

I will HO:  Absoutley!  Most pilots just point towards the target and fire, I can be offcentered and give it a rudderkick, something that usually isnt expected.  Additionally, depending the circumstances...totally a valid tactic.  It's like a game of chicken, if you turn first I might get the advantage.  (once again this is usually because I screwed up earlier)

I will bomb****:  Thats how you call it.  If it's red, it's dead, if you do not like it, get your squad to provide fighter cap over where you are GV'ing.  If you dont have a squad, either join one or consider where you up a GV, no one forces you to afterall.

I will gang:  I apologize that you flew into five of us, but that isn't my fault, pay attention!  Or I am sorry we shot down four of your friends and you were left. (good for you btw)  Or I'm sorry I'm flying with my squad or in a mission, but preserving your airplane is lower on the list than my teamates, and if I can help it you are not going to get a shot off.

I will (sometimes) be an alt monkey:  I'm impatient, but apparently less impatient as many of you.  So I will absolutely (if I don't get bored)  climb to an altitude that will give me the advantage!  You can do this too, it takes a bit of time and patience though.  When I'm at my best, I totally follow through with Luche's Idea of flying (the Red BaronII post he did)  I want my cartoon pilot to land :) (happens rarely)

I will Horde: there's nothing more fun than upping dozens of bombers for a deep raid at high alt into enemy territory.  I wish there was more opposition, but that's up the the enemy, not me.  I also like going up against this for what its worth (prolly nothing)  Or If I want an under the Dar mission to capture a base (you'd be surprised how often these do not work)

I will camp:  Don't up from a camped spawn if you do not like it!  If you're offering a free kill, of course I'll take it!  I would not expect anything other than that.  Spawning there is your choice.

I will use my knowledge to my advantage:  I will purposely make sure my Panther or Tiger or TigerII will be opposing you at longer ranges and -->Facing you<--  if I can help it.  The better magnification, and armour puts the ball very much in my court.  It isn't "gaming the game"  it's simple math, your T34/76 is not going to penetrate my front upper/lower hull plate from 2400yrds.  I know this, that's the whole point
     Likewise I am going to use aircraft as I best see fit.  I am not entering your low alt furball with a me262, P51, FW190, Temp, or P47.  I might with a Am62, but do not expect me to enter the type of fight you want if that isn't how I'm flying.

So There's my version of honor, thats how I see things, and now everyone can see how I fly :)  If you are concerned about these issues you may PM me at MK84 and ask if I'm in the area, then you will not have to question how I fly :D

P.S.  I'm so going to take flak for this arnt I? :uhoh

Yeah, what he said, but could be a she.

If you do not want to be killed---do not play, just observe.  LOL

Offline MK-84

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2012, 02:50:23 AM »
Knew I'd get Flak :noid

MK84 is a HE btw, which regardless of the truth is statistically likely :aok

Not wanting to be killed (in game) still makes sense to me (it's sorta a role-play for me)  One day I might get good at it
Uhh...the not getting killed part makes sense outta game to for those that may be confused :uhoh

Offline MK-84

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2012, 02:56:48 AM »
Yeah, what he said, but could be a she.

If you do not want to be killed---do not play, just observe.  LOL

I thought I alluded to loving the game, I certainly made no mention of not liking it, why would I not play?  I do not understand
...and why am I now a She?  MK84 doesn't get all cuddly... buy me dinner first...and take me to a movie before you get all personal. ;)

Offline prowl3r

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2012, 08:03:15 AM »
Whilst surfinn's request seems a little unrealistic he does have a point.  

A few weeks back he was in a pesky I16 and I was in my spit8.   He could have dove down and picked me on three different occasions but chose to watch my first fight with tallboy's KI.    It was about a minute long and he engaged when it was clear to do so.   Then one after another his countrymen kept trying to jump into our fight with their lame bnz attacks, so he backed off and let me kill them one by one and then dropped in again.

I get that it is unheard of and extremely impractical but for that sortie where I would have died very quickly, his actions prolonged my enjoyment.  The underlying problem is that people do not respect the enemy pilot it is just a natural human trait of self greed.  The saddest part is the hypocrisy of some people who just can't accept stuff when it happens to them yet are the worst for it.  After playing for 10+ years it is the people like surfinn that I will remember and return his honour in kind.  

this +1 and at the same tome i agree with mk84. i guess what is really being asked for is discretion. if its a 1v1 off to the side dont ruin it for them unless asked or ask before joining. if its tank town /gv furball dont be a tool and roll a formation of lancs thru it just to ruin the fun of others.
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Offline Reaper90

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2012, 10:09:21 AM »
Whilst surfinn's request seems a little unrealistic he does have a point.  

A few weeks back he was in a pesky I16 and I was in my spit8.   He could have dove down and picked me on three different occasions but chose to watch my first fight with tallboy's KI.    It was about a minute long and he engaged when it was clear to do so.   Then one after another his countrymen kept trying to jump into our fight with their lame bnz attacks, so he backed off and let me kill them one by one and then dropped in again.

I get that it is unheard of and extremely impractical but for that sortie where I would have died very quickly, his actions prolonged my enjoyment.  The underlying problem is that people do not respect the enemy pilot it is just a natural human trait of self greed.  The saddest part is the hypocrisy of some people who just can't accept stuff when it happens to them yet are the worst for it.  After playing for 10+ years it is the people like surfinn that I will remember and return his honour in kind.  

That kind of action is why I respect surfinn immensely.... the MA could use a lot more of that.

Look, if it's a furball, a "free for all," have at it. Jump in and have some fun, and shoot holes in every red airplane that you can get your guns on.

But if you're flying about and see a friendly engaged with a con off by themselves, by god people have some respect for both the friendly and the con by staying out unless the friendly is asking for help. Fly top cover, make sure no other cons try to mess it up, and let them fight. If there is more than one friendly on a con, just keep going. There are plenty of other bad guys out there to kill, there's no reason to zoom in and try to steal a kill away from someone who's been working trying to earn it.

It's a pipe dream, and totally unrealistic, but if everyone here just tried to remember that and live by it there'd be a lot more respect and a lot less 200 whining.
'Murican dude in a Brit Squad flying Russian birds, drinking Canadian whiskey

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2012, 03:26:18 PM »

I laugh about the lavish usage of the word "honor" in the cartoon combat context.

vAleric said I was without honor because I masked my energy state and managed to rope him instead of the other way around.  I think people twist the meaning of the word to suit their purposes at that particular time.

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Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2012, 03:28:15 PM »
The most honorable people I have ever met,,,    didn't talk about it,, they lived it!
Flying since tour 71.

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2012, 03:52:25 PM »
In the end you can't control how someone else plays, only how you play the game.  I don't know that honor is the correct word.   I think having respect for other players is important.  We all pay the same to get enjoyment from the game.

Going out of your way to ruin that for other players shows a lack of respect for them and the game in my mind.  It doesn't take much to ask before diving into a fight, in particular a 1 v 1 that's developed outside of a furball.  If the guy asks for help, so be it.  But more often then not, they'll ask you to stay out.  Just not that hard to respect that as a 1 v 1 in the MA doesn't occur that often.

Does anything go in a big furball?  Absolutely.  I expect the pickers to be above, that folks will faceshoot in the mob, and that there isn't time to ask much.

I think that for those that have been around a long time, you get to the point where you get to know the folks you've been fighting with and against for so long.  Enjoying their company while playing is a bigger reward.  I've been 'flying' for 16 years now going back to Airwarrior and I know there are folks who've been around longer then that.   I don't feel like I have anything to prove in the game.  I enjoy it for what it is, and I enjoy the people.  Most of us old folks are history nuts too and this lets us pretend a bit now and then.

I think that anyone who sticks around long enough gets beyond the ego, points, perks, winning the war, I'm the bestest bit eventually.  That doesn't mean you lose the desire to compete or to win the fight.  But it does mean you put it back in perspective as to what the game is, and what is important in the end.  And for me anyway, it's the friends I've made, the history shared, and the fun I've had.

The beauty of CorkyJr is after a long day in the real world, I can slip into his 38 and become 21 again, and feel invincible.  I haven't died in 16 years!  If only the real world were so forgiving :)
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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2012, 04:15:09 PM »
In the end you can't control how someone else plays, only how you play the game.  I don't know that honor is the correct word.   I think having respect for other players is important.  We all pay the same to get enjoyment from the game.

Going out of your way to ruin that for other players shows a lack of respect for them and the game in my mind.  It doesn't take much to ask before diving into a fight, in particular a 1 v 1 that's developed outside of a furball.  If the guy asks for help, so be it.  But more often then not, they'll ask you to stay out.  Just not that hard to respect that as a 1 v 1 in the MA doesn't occur that often.

Does anything go in a big furball?  Absolutely.  I expect the pickers to be above, that folks will faceshoot in the mob, and that there isn't time to ask much.

I think that for those that have been around a long time, you get to the point where you get to know the folks you've been fighting with and against for so long.  Enjoying their company while playing is a bigger reward.  I've been 'flying' for 16 years now going back to Airwarrior and I know there are folks who've been around longer then that.   I don't feel like I have anything to prove in the game.  I enjoy it for what it is, and I enjoy the people.  Most of us old folks are history nuts too and this lets us pretend a bit now and then.

I think that anyone who sticks around long enough gets beyond the ego, points, perks, winning the war, I'm the bestest bit eventually.  That doesn't mean you lose the desire to compete or to win the fight.  But it does mean you put it back in perspective as to what the game is, and what is important in the end.  And for me anyway, it's the friends I've made, the history shared, and the fun I've had.

The beauty of CorkyJr is after a long day in the real world, I can slip into his 38 and become 21 again, and feel invincible.  I haven't died in 16 years!  If only the real world were so forgiving :)

"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline RufusLeaking

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2012, 06:10:03 PM »
It is all about fun. The anonymity of the internet allows all sorts of characters. There are a couple dozen players that I like to see online and there's a couple dozen total tools.

But the game is fun.

As the sages of Wang Chung once said: "Everybody wang chung tonight. Everybody have fun tonight."
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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2012, 06:53:59 PM »
It is all about fun. The anonymity of the internet allows all sorts of characters. There are a couple dozen players that I like to see online and there's a couple dozen total tools.

But the game is fun.

As the sages of Wang Chung once said: "Everybody wang chung tonight. Everybody have fun tonight."

Yes, I believe everyone should Wang Chung right now
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline Reaper90

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2012, 11:40:04 AM »

Says "Mr. Fifth in line to dive in and gang and pick the P-40C fighting the FM2."   :)

Just messing with ya, CU.  :lol

But seriously, <<S>> Surfinn, wish we could have had a chance to finish any one of those several 1v1 fights we were having.

Most every single time we were away from the rest of the action, and according to surfinn he was trying to call the interloper(s) off. It just ain't gonna happen in the MA when people don't care if their countryman asks them to stay out repeatedlyand they dive in anyway to clear their 12.

Anyway, it's a good dream... however unrealistic.

'Murican dude in a Brit Squad flying Russian birds, drinking Canadian whiskey

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2012, 12:26:54 PM »
Ya its a pipe dream but hey its worth a try :)

Offline Changeup

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Re: Honour and the year 2012
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2012, 04:21:56 PM »
Says "Mr. Fifth in line to dive in and gang and pick the P-40C fighting the FM2."   :)

Just messing with ya, CU.  :lol

Yes....with a bit of background...we had been getting GROUND UP by gangers for over an hour...a fella can only take so much  :rofl

EDIT:  I ask every chance I get...lots of folks can verify it.  If I get no answer, I assume their too busy and I will jump in.  If they say no, I stay out.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 05:46:27 PM by Changeup »
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba