Tonight's squad night is BYOB and the Red Guy barbecue will be plentiful. We will be doing all sorts of fun Pig games like:
1) Hey is that a red guy on the rearm pad?
2) Pin the tater on the red guy.
3) Fake carrier attacks (patent pending).
4) Everbody .wingman Bentnail!
5) And my personal favorite: Where's Syko? (kinda like Where is Waldo, but when you find him lots of red guys start shooting at you).
See you swine tonight for the party. Fun starts at 8:00 PM EST and lasts until the red guys won't play our Pig games anymore.
If you are interested in the Pigs On The Wing, please PM Me, Syko or Babalon ingame and we'll get you onto our vox. Visitors are always welcome!