Skins, are half science, half art.
What is and is not good art is very subjective.
What we, as skinners, try to do is replicate someone else's art (camouflage).
I'm going to just throw my opinion out there and say that it is neigh impossible to completely and accurately repaint a 3D computer model to perfection.
The fact that we are trying to work in an environment of three dimensions but viewing it on a medium that only offers two dimensions is what precludes this.
Basically, we are only "fooling" the brain into seeing depth. The same "depth" of a panel joint, rivet, etc that looks perfect from one angle, will probably never be perfect from all angles.
Things that we give "depth" by shading, etc may look "real" from one perspective, especially when static yet perhaps that rivet that looks like it is sticking out doesn't cast a shadow, because it really does not have "height" in the virtual world. Not in a skin, at least.
I know that I am not explaining myself correctly, so hopefully someone else understands me and can explain it better.