I don't have the film to show how it was on my end. Wish I did. Funny how people jump on another persons wagon. I am not a very good stick. I will be the first to say that / admit it. I just started playing again back in Dec. But, I did play for a while several years ago. I just expect more from better sticks, but its something to take into consideration that the person on the other end is not seeing what you do always because of server / connection / netcode that goes into the simulation. I don't post on 200 much, but I am not afraid to ask or call out someone. Again, I just need to lower my expectations in MA. I expect better sticks to not pull HO shots, and most won't go for the HO. I also understand bringing your nose on someone is a variation of defense. Seeing your screen shot and me not having one of my view, I am sorry for the claim of the HO. <S>