Author Topic: more tank-destroyers?  (Read 1089 times)

Offline Rob52240

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2012, 06:21:10 AM »
Still waiting on those badly needed tank destroyers.   Box formation bombers would also be a nice upgradings.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline Debrody

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 08:13:42 AM »
What you mean, Rob? Im without any knowledge about those formations, plz lighten me up.
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Offline tmetal

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 10:19:20 AM »
Please  :pray
The real problem is anyone should feel like they can come to this forum and make a wish without being treated in a derogatory manner.  The only discussion should be centered around whether it would work, or how it would work and so on always in a respectful manner.

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Offline fullmetalbullet

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2012, 11:30:56 AM »
Please  :pray
(Image removed from quote.)

I think that this TD would see more use then any other that HTC could add, but thats just my opinion.
"Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Dogs Of War" Julius Caesar

Offline Butcher

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2012, 11:38:39 AM »
I think that this TD would see more use then any other that HTC could add, but thats just my opinion.

It would be a higher ENY tank, one reason i'd be interested in it - M18 is 1 perk and mid level Eny, 38(T) would be 30 or so Eny
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Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2012, 11:49:13 AM »
If HTC is going to add in a turret-less AFV in to AH, I hope it is the Su-100, StuG III, or Hetzer. 

The Su-100 main gun is on par with the Panther and 17 Pdr in terms of AP, but it would still be at a disadvantage because of no turret, no true pivot capability, limited armor, only 34 rounds of main gun ammo.

The StuG III is a spittin' image of the Panzer IV F2 we currently have in AH, minus the turret.  So... draw your own conclusions. 

The Hetzer would be on par with the StuG III, but in a smaller vehicle.

The Archer would offer nothing a rearward facing Firefly cant offer.   ;)

The Jagd IV would be an interesting venture, but that too would be like having a Panzer IV H with no turret.

Lots of potential, but I'd rather see some other EW/MW stuff come along first like the Panzer III, Valentine, Crusader, etc   
Proud grandson of the late Lt. Col. Darrell M. "Bud" Gray, USAF (ret.), B24D pilot, 5th BG/72nd BS. 28 combat missions within the "slot", PTO.

Offline Rob52240

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2012, 02:44:43 PM »
Well Debrody, since we can already fly 3 bombers at a time, why not be able to take more?  I know we've all got bomber perks lying around not getting used.

But not like this...
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline scottak

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2012, 03:21:57 PM »
I think that this TD would see more use then any other that HTC could add, but thats just my opinion.
this tank is a hetzer. i would like it in the game because it's low, fast, and has a great main gun.

Offline HighTone

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2012, 03:34:37 PM »
Great another "can we have another spawn camping toy" thread.

We need another GV in this game about as much as we need an early war plane.

None of these can slug it out with a Tiger2 or out run an what's the point in adding them?

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Offline scottak

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2012, 03:53:28 PM »
Great another "can we have another spawn camping toy" thread.

We need another GV in this game about as much as we need an early war plane.

None of these can slug it out with a Tiger2 or out run an what's the point in adding them?
because they are good at ambushes and can at least get an engine kill or knock out the tigers tracks or main gun. and it's so low it will be hard to hit it. it would be good as a defensive weapon. we need the crusader, Cromwell, and churchill for offensive gv.

Offline fullmetalbullet

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2012, 04:04:48 PM »
this tank is a hetzer. i would like it in the game because it's low, fast, and has a great main gun.

The M-18 we have already is lower faster and has a better gun. the reason i say it would see more use is not only the ENY but becuase it was quite popular with its crews during WW2.
"Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Dogs Of War" Julius Caesar

Offline tmetal

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 04:18:22 PM »
Great another "can we have another spawn camping toy" thread.

We need another GV in this game about as much as we need an early war plane.

None of these can slug it out with a Tiger2 or out run an what's the point in adding them?

I see what you did there. think it will work?
The real problem is anyone should feel like they can come to this forum and make a wish without being treated in a derogatory manner.  The only discussion should be centered around whether it would work, or how it would work and so on always in a respectful manner.

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Offline scottak

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2012, 05:09:37 PM »
The M-18 we have already is lower faster and has a better gun. the reason i say it would see more use is not only the ENY but becuase it was quite popular with its crews during WW2.
The Jagdpanzer 38(t) was intended to be more cost-effective than the much more ambitious Jagdpanther and Jagdtiger designs of the same period. Using a proven chassis, it avoided the mechanical problems of the larger armoured vehicles.

It was better armored than the lightly armoured earlier Panzerjäger Marder and Nashorn with a sloped armour front plate of 60 mm sloped back at 60 degrees from the vertical (equivalent in protection to about 120 mm), carried a reasonably powerful gun, was mechanically reliable, small and easily concealed. wikipedia.

Its combat weight was 16 metric tons and it could travel at maximum speed of some 42km/h. Hetzer’s tracks had 96 links per side with 350mm wide tracks with track surface contact of 2.72m. Hetzer had a low well-sloped hull of welded construction. Hull had 60mm thick frontal plate, 8mm thin roof and rear armour and 20mm thin side armour. All armoured plates sloped inwards. In addition, Hetzer was fitted with small 5mm side skirts (Schuerzen). It was armed with 75mm Pak 39 L/48 gun with limited traverse (5 degrees to the left and 11 degrees to the right) and elevation (-6 degrees to +10 degrees). The gun was mounted with Sfl.Z.F.1a gun sight. Main armament was protected by 60mm cast gun mantlet - Saukopf. Heavy gun and thick frontal plate overloaded the front but it was later corrected by the use of strengthen suspension. The main gun had an effective range of over 1000 meters. For example Hetzer could knock out Soviet T-34/85 at a distance of 700m by hitting the frontal armour, while Soviet T-34/85 could knock out Hetzer at a distance of 400m by hitting the frontal armour. In comparison with a JS-2, Hetzer could be knocked out at a distance of 1000m, while Hetzer could knock JS-2 out at a distance of 100m. The limited traverse of the gun forced Hetzer to constantly change position in order to target another enemy tank, while exposing its thin 20mm side armour to enemy fire. An interesting feature was the remotely controlled MG34/42 mounted on the roof, with 360 degrees rotation for local defense.

Crew 4
Radio Fu 5, FuG52, FuG Spr F2   
Radio - command  Fu 8   
Physical Characteristics     
Weight 31,967 lb3
14,500 kg3, 15,750 kg1, 16,000 kg6
15.5 tons1,7, 15.75 tons2, 16 tons5, 17.6 tons4  15.5 tons2 
Length w/gun 20' 4.1"3, 20' 7"5,7, 20' 11.1"1
6.2 m3, 6.27 m5, 6.38 m1,2  4.87 m2 
Length w/o gun 15' 9"3, 15' 11"5, 16'4,7
4.8 m3, 4.87 m5,6   
Height 6' 10"5, 6' 10.7"3, 6' 11"7, 7'4, 7' 1.4"1, 7' 3"
2.1 m3,5, 2.17 m1,2,6  2.17 m2 
Width 8' 2.4"3, 8.4'4, 8' 7"5, 8' 7.5"1, 8' 8"7
2.5 m3, 2.63 m1,2,5,6  2.63 m2 
Width over tracks     
Ground clearance 16"4, 1' 4.5"
0.38 m, 0.42 m6   
Ground contact length 112"4
2.69 m   
Ground pressure 0.85 kg/cm2   
Turret ring diameter     
Main 7.5 cm Pak 39 L/482,3,5,6,7
7.5 cm1
7.5 cm PaK 393
7.5 cm Pak, L/484  14 mm Flammenwerfer 412 
MG 1: MG7
7.92 mm MG1
7.92 mm MG34 or MG422
 7.92 mm MG34 or MG422 
MG - roof  7.92 mm MG344,5
MG 34 or 42
Side arms     
Main 40, 412: AP
414,5,6  154 gallons2, 24 bursts2 
MG 6004, 7805, 1,2002  1,2002 
Side arms     
Armor Thickness (mm) Front: 2.4"@60°4, 606
Side: 0.8"@45°4, 606
Rear: 206
Hull Front, Upper 60@60°2, 60@30°5  60@60°2 
Hull Front, Lower 60@60°, 60@40°2,5  60@40°2 
Hull Sides, Upper 20@40°2, 20@60°5  20@40°2 
Hull Sides, Lower 20@15°2  20@15°2 
Hull Rear 20@15°2 & 8@70°2,5  20@15°2 & 8@70°2 
Hull Top 8@90°2  8@90°2 
Hull Bottom 10@90°2  10@90°2 
Superstructure Front Gun Mantlet: 60 Soukopfblende2
Superstructure Sides 20@75°5   
Superstructure Rear 20@75°5   
Superstructure Top 8@0°5   
Engine (Make / Model) Praga AC/21,2
Praga AC/28003,6
Praga EPA TZj5
EPA (type T2)4
Praga7  Praga AC/22 
Bore / stroke     
Cooling Water4   
Cylinders R65, 66, I-64   
Net HP 1507, 150-1603, 1585, 1606
158@2,600 rpm4   
Power to weight ratio  11.4 psi4   
Compression ratio     
Transmission (Type)  Preselective, Olvar 40 12 16
5 forward, 1 reverse2,4,6
Parge-Wilson tarpaulin power drive.6
Praga-Wilson planetary4  5 forward, 1 reverse.2 
Steering Clutch brake, two speed4   
Steering ratio     
Starter Hand and electric4   
Electrical system  12-volt4   
Ignition Magneto4   
Fuel (Type) Gasoline4   
Quantity 84 gallons, 85 gallons5, 85 gallons in 2 tanks4
320 liters6, 386 liters5
Use per 100 km of road travel: 178 liters   
Road consumption  100 km/178 liters
1.3 mpg4   
Cross country consumption  0.7 mpg4   
Traverse 11° right, 5° left2,4
5° right, 11° left5
Hand2  11° right, 5° left, hand2 
Traverse - MG roof  360°   
Speed - Road 16 mph5, 24 mph4, 24.2 mph3, 25 mph7, 26 mph1
26 kph5, 39 kph3, 42 kph1,2,6  42 kph2 
Speed - Cross Country 9 mph5, 10 mph4
14 kph, 15 kph5, 16 kph   
Range - Road 100 miles5, 110 miles1, 111 miles4,7, 124 miles, 155 miles3
161 km5, 177 km1,2, 180 km, 250 km3, 260 km6  177 km2 
Range - Cross Country 50 miles5, 60 miles4
130 km5 , 170 km6   
Turning radius 4.5 m, 5 m6   
Elevation limits -8° to +20°, -6° to +12°2, -6° to +10°4,5  -6° to +12°2 
Fording depth 2' 11"3,4, 2' 11.5"
0.9 m3   
Trench crossing 4.3'4, 4' 3.2"3
1.3 m3   
Vertical obstacle 2' 1.6"3,4
0.65 m3   
Climbing ability  37° (75%) slope4   
Suspension (Type) Christie
Two bogies with 1/2 elliptic springs4   
Wheels each side 45   
Return rollers each side 1   
Tracks (Type)  Dry pin4   
Length 12' 10.75"
2.69 m6
98 link6   
Width 1' 1.75", 13.8"4
0.35 m6   
Number of links  984   
Pitch 4.1"4   
Tire tread     
Track centers/tread 6' 10.5", 7'4
2.14 m

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2012, 06:38:01 PM »
Great another "can we have another spawn camping toy" thread.

We need another GV in this game about as much as we need an early war plane.

None of these can slug it out with a Tiger2 or out run an what's the point in adding them?

Lol, not a big GV'er are you? ANY vehicle can be used to camp a spawn, and all of them with comperable weapons are about equally as effective. The only difference is WHERE you camp the spawn from. These wouldn't be any better at spawn camping, and odds are would actually be worse. For one, they can't go hull-down, so no camping from behind a burm. Two, lack of a turret makes a flank shot more likely.

As for why we should get them: because its not about out-preforming another vehicle. If it were, the Tiger II would be the end of the line for WWII vehicles, and the 262 would be it for WWII fighters.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline mthrockmor

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Re: more tank-destroyers?
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2012, 07:09:30 PM »
No poor dumb bastard wins a war by dying for his country, he wins by making the other poor, dumb, bastard die for his.
George "Blood n Guts" Patton