that looks great for sitting in a bush far away from other players and wasting money shooting at people you can't see because they are also far away hiding behind trees and bushes
also surely the scopes etc are worthless? I'm sure I read that a paintball is never going to have enough velocity to make them accurate in the same way that a real gun would be. it certainly is a very cool looking gun though, if that's the kind of thing that gets you going ;]
I gave up paintball for ice hockey 4 or 5 years ago, but I always preferred the sup-air wasting money by shooting hundreds of paintballs in 2 minutes at people hiding behind inflatable barricades while dressed like a power ranger
more exciting, more teamwork, more tactics. although still a lot of money wasted spamming paint. I did do my fair share of woodsball though and it wasn't
always boring...just 90% of the time
ahh here we go...there is even a video of me and my brother (Loxy, also an AH cartoon pilot) playing some woodsball, although thankfully not on a 'hiding behind bushes all day' kind of field most of the video is of Loxy, but pretty sure you see me pushing up the middle at some point, and running round at the very end to mug the last couple of guys and shout field clear ;D edit: ahh yes just re-watched it, i'm on the right with a yellow pack towards the end, creeping off at 3:30ish to sneak around and shoot people in the side