Author Topic: 2.27 Patch 3  (Read 1134 times)

Offline Pyro

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2.27 Patch 3
« on: March 06, 2012, 03:08:56 PM »
2.27 Patch 3 is now available.

Version 2.27 Patch 3 Changes

Added a limit on the number of unviewed triangles which remain in cache.  This significantly lowers memory requirements when view ranges are set at max.

Fixed a bug that could cause crashes when trying to log into an online server.

The automatic terrain downloader now downloads at a much faster rate.

Added a confirmation message box when Alt F4 is used to exit the game.  The confirmation box can be disabled from popping up in the future.

Changed the maximum Field of View setting in the video options menu to 152.

The hex color settings in the sysvar menu no longer uses the alpha channel so that the same hex value will produce the same color through all sysvars.

Fixed a bug that could allow for a CV to have a commander in a different country.

The cursor is the film viewer now displays correctly when resizing the window size.

Fixed a bug that would cause joystick settings to be lost if exited using Alt F4 while your joystick mapping window was open.

Attached gunners and observers now use the correct icon range for the plane or vehicle they are riding in.

The Storch now has the option to log sorties as Attack.

Tracer fire from a tank's machine guns now shows up to other players in addition to the main gun.