Author Topic: amd vs intel for education  (Read 2036 times)

Offline olds442

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Re: amd vs intel for education
« Reply #60 on: April 18, 2012, 06:42:48 PM »
Hmm, if there is no icon the media is already ejected. In which way in your opinnion, is windows more intuitive in ways of ejecting the media? Unless you know exactly what you're doing it's going to be difficult in windows - not to mention in CLI.

Older Apple models were quirky or so I've heard. I have no personal experience from those days. I can only speak for post-intel era Macs.

How do people learn to use a complicated smart phone like the iPhone with no user manual? It's simple. It works. It's intuitive. The first minute I held it in my hand I already was familiar with all the basic functionality that was needed to place calls, sms, navigate or use the net. A big contrast to my previous Nokia communicator that was an absolute nightmare.

Yep, Samsung is an Android phone. I think the 'roid' in Android is a derivative of hemorrhoids. I made the mistake of buying an android phone to my kid - I spent half night trying to figure out how to do stuff with it. Something as simple as a USB connection requires a pull-down menu and whatnot to achieve.

For people who are not accustomed to using any particular system, a clear GUI is a must. I didn't need to think how to get things done with the iPhone. It was obvious and it worked on the first go.

Keyboard based interfaces are super slick but require remembering key commands by heart. Once you achieve that it's a dream to use. Our own software utilizes key shortcuts - we do have a GUI with menus and stuff but you can do everything through key shortcuts.

You're going very defensive there :) The proof is in the pudding. I garantee that an average person learns how to use an Apple product much faster than any windows/linux based product so far. Perhaps win8 will change that - or take it to a worse direction. Haven't tried it yet.

When I recommended the OP to get his niece a mac, I did it from my personal experience. I used windows/linux based computers for well over a decade untill my business partner talked me over to switching to a mac. At first I cursed him to the lowest of hell - but after using OSX for a couple of years I never boot to windows anymore unless I absolutely must. Everything is simpler, easyer and generally just works better, not just the OS but also third party software which I found the most amazing.

How you can't see that is beyond me.

I don't mean to make this an extended argument. You're entitled to your opinnion as I am to mine. Perhaps we just have to agree to disagree :)
only a moron would use Dolby positioning in a game.
IGN: cutlass "shovels and rakes and implements of destruction"

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: amd vs intel for education
« Reply #61 on: April 19, 2012, 10:06:56 AM »

Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone