No, the page file in this dxdiag report is indeed both usable RAM (available for the OS) + pagefile and what's shown as used is the amount of memory issued/assigned to programs, regardless of whether it's real RAM or in the page file.
I agree on the pagefile that the "***MB used" portion of the pagefile is and can be both physical ram &/or hard drive space together if/when needed...... I disagree that "available" portion of the pagefile is a combination of both......
If I disabled my pagefile on my OS, I too... would also only show my RAM whether it is 4 GB, 8 GB, 12 GB, 16 GB etc......
although normally the pagefile system is enabled, when set manually it will show what ever parameters that have been chosen which most times would be 1.5 times the amount of RAM total on the MotherBoard if set manually & correctly.... NOTE: More times than not though for most PC Users, windows will be set to adjust it automatically as needed, then it would be continously changing its available space.....
the directx report has always read them seperate, unless one disables the pagefile system, if they do then it falls back on using the physical ram amount
I have never seen the pagefile in a directx report add the physical ram and the alloted harddrive space together, when the pagefile was enabled
regarding pagefile system ( Virtual Memory ) regardless if it is Win 3.0 thru Windows7 if you go look at it (in Win7: the popup window in control panel/advanced system settings/advanced/performance options tab)
it clearly tells you what the pagefile is and what it is used for.... and it is exactly what I explained it was: a paging file is an area on the harddisk that windows uses as if it were RAM