Author Topic: Axis vs Allies Arena - Saturday 19MAY, 9PM Eastern U.S.  (Read 850 times)

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Axis vs Allies Arena - Saturday 19MAY, 9PM Eastern U.S.
« on: May 15, 2012, 10:03:48 PM »
I'm cross-posting this in here as it is  "squadron related".  :D

   The squadron "Operations Officer" for The 47 Ronin is currently away
for a few weeks at Air Force NCO school. While he's gone, I'm pickin' up
the slack.
  That being said, I'm kinda burned out on the Late War arena and as the
guys who run the Axis vs Allies arena are trying to stir up some business, I
thought it might be an interesting change of venue for our "Squad Night".
  The problem is that I think if I bring a dozen guys in there on Saturday
night, that it's gonna skew the numbers one way or the other. (I know we
could split up into two countries, but I'd prefer not to.)
  So, consider this an invitation to any and all squads or unaffiliated pilots
to join us in the Axis vs Allies arena for some ops on Saturday night, 19 MAY,
at 9PM Eastern U.S. time.
  If you've not been in there in some time, I flew in there a couple of hours
tonight, and here's the basic deal.
  Enemy icons are off. As in you -never- see them, and thus have to
ascertain the plane type (tough with my old system) on your own.
Same with energy states. With no icon "telling" you the rate of closure,
it's very much a guessing game. It's quite fascinating actually.
  Anyway, friendly icons show at 3.0K, maximum range is set to 8K.
I did notice that it was very easy to determine where all the enemy
planes were via the map/radar screen. Rather than a dar bar, you got
solid reports of where each enemy was on the map.
  All in all, it was a positive experience and a pleasant change of pace
from the Late War arena.
  I look forward to seein' some of you guys in there.

Regards, Odd

Offline DrBone1

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Re: Axis vs Allies Arena - Saturday 19MAY, 9PM Eastern U.S.
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 03:57:07 AM »
on Saturday night, 19 MAY,
at 9PM Eastern U.S. time.

See ya Saturday OddCAF we shall see how many TGs I can bring over.  :salute
=The Damned=
I see DrBone has found a new Sith apprentice. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.  :devil
Move up, move over, or move aside.  Simple kombat 101.

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Re: Axis vs Allies Arena - Saturday 19MAY, 9PM Eastern U.S.
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 01:17:41 PM »
Sounds awesome, Doctah! It should be a good time if enough guys
show up to flesh things out a bit.
  I'll be puttin' out some text in-game about it on country text
and 200 as a form of "advertising". Hopefully, we'll get several
squads involved and have some decent numbers in there.
  I'll have my ballgag strapped on for the beating I anticipate your
guys are going to give me.  :D

Best regards, Odd