Author Topic: May 2012 Scenario Winter Sky - Death Ground  (Read 504 times)

Offline shegotya

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May 2012 Scenario Winter Sky - Death Ground
« on: April 20, 2012, 08:00:22 PM »

Winter Sky - Death Ground

The Battle of the Bulge is over, and the Battle for the Rhine is about to begin.  The Allies continue to push toward the Rhine attempting to cut off German Units which are falling back behind the river.
The majority of the armored units which had successfully withdrawn from the bulge have been trundled off to the eastern front in an attempt to stop of the onslought of Soviet hordes.  Likewise a good amount
of the Luftwaffe has also been moved to the eastern front.  Yet a few key units remain on the western front including the Panzer Lehr Division. JG26 and JG27.  They are hard pressed to stop the Allied advance.
The Allies have recovered from the Bulge and the New Years attack by the Luftwaffe on their tactical air fields on the continent.  The 2nd Tactical Air Force of the RAF and the Ninth Air Force of the USAAF
are flying numerous tactical sorties while their armored units cut through rear guard units in an attempt to reach the Rhine.  This scenario will feature for the Axis the Bf-109G14, Bf-109K4, Fw-190A8, Fw-190D9,
 Me-262, Ar234, Panzer Mk IV H, Panther G, and Tiger I.  Featured for the Allies are the Tyhpoon IB, Tempest Mk V, Spitfire Mk XIV,  B-26B, P-47D25, P-47D40, P-51D, P-38J, P-38L,
M4-75, M4-76(W), Sherman Firefly VC, and M-18.

Writeup is at -

Dates and Times
Show-Up Time for this scenario is 9:30 pm Eastern Time (9:30 pm New York, USA time) in the Special Events II arena.  Frame dates are as follows.

   March 31, 2012: Coordination Frame -- please all attend.  This frame allows each team to get organized and test their communication and control.  We will be using the Frame 1 setup.
   Week off for Final Coordination
   April 14, 2012:  Frame 1
   April 21, 2012:  Frame 2
   April 28, 2012:  Frame 3
   May 5, 2012:  Frame 4

Registration is at -

Note that you need to be registered at the website to sign up.