Author Topic: Armchair Jerks  (Read 4256 times)

Offline Delirium

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2012, 06:48:28 PM »
Having looked at the Youtube video, I feel the vGuys suffered from really abusive and inexcusable language.  The polite thing to do would of been to take a different base before it escalated to that point.

That said, taking THAT many people in aircraft to take a base, particularly a vbase is absurd.
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Offline Widewing

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #46 on: May 21, 2012, 07:21:21 PM »
Having looked at the Youtube video, I feel the vGuys suffered from really abusive and inexcusable language.  The polite thing to do would of been to take a different base before it escalated to that point.

That said, taking THAT many people in aircraft to take a base, particularly a vbase is absurd.

I agree... The behavior and language of the tanker guys was worse than awful. Less offensive was the mob headed to a vBase that was largely insignificant, and using the well worn logic of "we will, because we can." Less offensive, but still not team friendly. Surely, the vGuys can understand that the tanker guys might not appreciate their mission. Clearly, vDallas could care less about anyone else's fun if they're not in his horde. I suspect that this is a common occurrence in Bish-land, as the annoyance of the GV guys seemed far above what it should have been.

Now, it is important to understand that you are not guaranteed a good fight. How often is there a good GV battle that gets interrupted by some guy who drops the opposing VH? Quite common, in my experience. It all goes with the game.

Nonetheless, I think that respect for fellow players will go a long way, and should be expected. Of course, I have no illusion that anything will change.....
My regards,


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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2012, 08:14:13 PM »
actually feel sorry for the Bish GVers , really nothing they could do , in a way they were hoarded as well

Offline Slash27

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2012, 08:29:46 PM »
I hope I'm not the only one with little tolerance of those who demand that everyone else plays the map, or the game differently than myself.

Yesterday a bishop who must think of himself as some sort of Original Gangster kept typing in green calling people morons for attacking some vehicle base.  Every few minutes this guy is yelling at the country calling people morons, always insisting that he has authority over these morons.  It was nearly enough for me to post a mission to capture the base that this guy was so adamant nobody should attack.

Then again, it probably would have just degenerated into this all over again.
Warning, harsh language.

I think we should all make the effort to accept the fact that nobody outside of HTC has any real control over the way Aces High gets played by others.

If we are all throwing our 2 cents in, your video just shows what it's like having to deal with your squad. I assume you're looking for some sort of sympathy for your "side" of things. It just highlights the worst of the MA and further solidifies the vTard image that now seems more than ever earned. All the language was out of line and shouldn't happen. But you go out of your way to ruin peoples fun " because you can brother" and what do you expect? Oh, I forgot the theme here. vVictims. And it's so odd you would take the time to upload that to youtube, make this thread. and it never occurred to you how bad it makes you look? Spare us with the truth nonsense too. Most know how you guys act, especially Master and Commander vDallas with the non stop PM abuse. I do like the last line of your post. We all just have to accept your behavior because there's nothing we can do about. Maybe so.

Or just go with, your gameplay as a squad sucks and you act like dicks.

Offline Rob52240

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #49 on: May 21, 2012, 08:35:23 PM »
If they are entitled to voice their opinions, why did you post this?  

The video doesn't even support your text -- which is about one player being armchair general on side channel.  The video shows several players on range asking you not to shut down their fight.  Yes, the conversation turns ugly, but that is mainly because of the terse refusal they get from your squad.  

But you are “crying about it”.  You posted it here.  Sure you don't like what they said or did in response to your actions, but you decided to air it here. You knew you were going to catch flak from players whose game play you were affecting.  Your squad made the decision to proceed anyway, despite the complaints.  So, who is griefing whom, really?  And why are you complaining about it?

If you had let it go, players would likely have forgotten about the incident.  Instead, you chose to immortalize this by creating a thread and posting a video.  It seems to have backfired, because it makes you look just as bad as your intended targets.  Maybe this is just you thriving on your squad being disliked, again.  What "truth" you are exposing here that is so important?  Do you simply not care that none of this is good for you, your squad or the game?

On the flip side of the coin, try thinking about this just for a moment (as unlikely as it may be): What if… just this one time, you had elected to heed the other players requests of “Hey, don't shut down our fight.”  What if… you had chosen to change your strategy in favor of someone else's game play?  What if… you had said: “OK guys, we don’t want to shut down your fight (on this limited map).  We'll go take another base”?  Might that have have left them thinking “Wow, maybe those vGuys aren't so bad after all.”  Maybe someone would have said "thanks".  I realize this isn't what you are after.  But you also wouldn't have made any more enemies on your own side.

I agree with you that you have the right to play how you want within the rules of the game.  But keep in mind that others are entitled to not like your choices, especially when it directly affects THEIR enjoyment of the game.  

Bottom line: You reap what you sow, Rob.  Live with it, don't whine about it.


Not crying about it.  Just pointing out what the game degenerates into just like the forum does whenever there is disagreement.  The same handfull of players (and non players since the forum is involved) start whipping theirs out and exaggerating the inches.

I posted this because in my experience, this is pretty much aces high at its worst.  If we can see the environment created by acting like jerks, most of us will choose to avoid getting sucked into it the next time.
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Offline Rob52240

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #50 on: May 21, 2012, 08:40:00 PM »
If we are all throwing our 2 cents in, your video just shows what it's like having to deal with your squad. I assume you're looking for some sort of sympathy for your "side" of things. It just highlights the worst of the MA and further solidifies the vTard image that now seems more than ever earned. All the language was out of line and shouldn't happen. But you go out of your way to ruin peoples fun " because you can brother" and what do you expect? Oh, I forgot the theme here. vVictims. And it's so odd you would take the time to upload that to youtube, make this thread. and it never occurred to you how bad it makes you look? Spare us with the truth nonsense too. Most know how you guys act, especially Master and Commander vDallas with the non stop PM abuse. I do like the last line of your post. We all just have to accept your behavior because there's nothing we can do about. Maybe so.

Or just go with, your gameplay as a squad sucks and you act like dicks.

You should watch it again and pay attention this time.  Then point out the part where I'm being a jerk.   The video isn't something I just uploaded and I'm not crying victim.  I am pointing out the kind of behavior that we don't need and I don't want mucking up my $15 a month.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #51 on: May 21, 2012, 08:50:32 PM »
Not crying about it.  Just pointing out what the game degenerates into just like the forum does whenever there is disagreement.  The same handfull of players (and non players since the forum is involved) start whipping theirs out and exaggerating the inches.

I posted this because in my experience, this is pretty much aces high at its worst.  If we can see the environment created by acting like jerks, most of us will choose to avoid getting sucked into it the next time.

I whip mine out just so I can play with it...  The size is not the important part, as long as I have fun with it.

It IS mine ya know, and I can do whatever I want with it.

All of that aside, that was the funniest video I have ever seen.    :aok  :aok

Yes, because you can.  Be my guest.  It is a surefire way to win friends and influence people. 

Go to the DA.  This is the arena for hording the ever-loving bejezzus out of everyone, including the guys on our own country  :rofl
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2012, 08:52:35 PM »
You should watch it again and pay attention this time.  Then point out the part where I'm being a jerk.   The video isn't something I just uploaded and I'm not crying victim.  I am pointing out the kind of behavior that we don't need and I don't want mucking up my $15 a month.

The behavior I see in the film is a large squadron dictating to others how to play.  Yes, as people pointed out the language used by members of COH wasn't nice but then they were pushed to it by your squadron basically telling them that you're going to screw them over by destroying their GV fight.  

From my point of view, the problem wasn't the guys in the GVs but rather you and your squadron.  So yes, you are correct in that we don't need the attitudes of you and your squadron since it's obvious you guys will not allow anyone else to play other than how you want them to play.  

It's not just your squadron's timid, limp wristed flying and tactics that the community doesn't like, it's the attitude of "you must play like we say" that has made the community think you're nothing but a squadron of 'tards.

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Offline dedhero

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #53 on: May 21, 2012, 08:58:45 PM »
I did watch it, twice, Rob. Sure at the start the ground guys were told that the fight was about to shift to the enemy base (in a big way it seems) in a calm and rational voice. However their first reply is to tell you all to go take the air base. This is reiterated by several different ground guys. The answer to this is "We're taking the vbase". There is no discussion just a flat refusal to accommodate the ground fight. Now once Lt gets involved it does degenerate very quickly however what remains is the fact that the devils brigade once again have proven themselves to be the lowest common denominator in the MA. This squad adds absolutely nothing to the game, only takes away from it. Now you've just painted an even bigger target on your squads collective back.  :aok
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Offline Plawranc

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #54 on: May 21, 2012, 09:01:55 PM »
The VTards.......

This is why... we do not like them.....

but... speaking as an immature teenager..



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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #55 on: May 21, 2012, 09:08:31 PM »
If they are entitled to voice their opinions, why did you post this?   

The video doesn't even support your text -- which is about one player being armchair general on side channel.  The video shows several players on range asking you not to shut down their fight.  Yes, the conversation turns ugly, but that is mainly because of the terse refusal they get from your squad. 

But you are “crying about it”.  You posted it here.  Sure you don't like what they said or did in response to your actions, but you decided to air it here. You knew you were going to catch flak from players whose game play you were affecting.  Your squad made the decision to proceed anyway, despite the complaints.  So, who is griefing whom, really?  And why are you complaining about it?

If you had let it go, players would likely have forgotten about the incident.  Instead, you chose to immortalize this by creating a thread and posting a video.  It seems to have backfired, because it makes you look just as bad as your intended targets.  Maybe this is just you thriving on your squad being disliked, again.  What "truth" you are exposing here that is so important?  Do you simply not care that none of this is good for you, your squad or the game?

On the flip side of the coin, try thinking about this just for a moment (as unlikely as it may be): What if… just this one time, you had elected to heed the other players requests of “Hey, don't shut down our fight.”  What if… you had chosen to change your strategy in favor of someone else's game play?  What if… you had said: “OK guys, we don’t want to shut down your fight (on this limited map).  We'll go take another base”?  Might that have have left them thinking “Wow, maybe those vGuys aren't so bad after all.”  Maybe someone would have said "thanks".  I realize this isn't what you are after.  But you also wouldn't have made any more enemies on your own side.

I agree with you that you have the right to play how you want within the rules of the game.  But keep in mind that others are entitled to not like your choices, especially when it directly affects THEIR enjoyment of the game. 

Bottom line: You reap what you sow, Rob.  Live with it, don't whine about it.


The behavior I see in the film is a large squadron dictating to others how to play.  Yes, as people pointed out the language used by members of COH wasn't nice but then they were pushed to it by your squadron basically telling them that you're going to screw them over by destroying their GV fight.  

From my point of view, the problem wasn't the guys in the GVs but rather you and your squadron.  So yes, you are correct in that we don't need the attitudes of you and your squadron since it's obvious you guys will not allow anyone else to play other than how you want them to play.  

It's not just your squadron's timid, limp wristed flying and tactics that the community doesn't like, it's the attitude of "you must play like we say" that has made the community think you're nothing but a squadron of 'tards.


Both replies are spot on and still cannot make vBob realize the simple fact staring him in the face.    :rofl     
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Offline WING47

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #56 on: May 21, 2012, 09:14:01 PM »
Everyone in this game needs to GROW A FLIPPIN PAIR!!!  :furious It's called a game for a reason people, to have fun and to keep you busy with something, if you don't like it then go spend your money somewhere else, tired of people's constant whining and complaining about air battles and base captures. Go play your Xbox and go complain with the rest of the scumbag 12 year olds on there. What a system this is, a bunch of 40+ year old men acting like a bunch of kids...pretty pathetic. Not to be a total D bag, but speaking straight to HTC... I've about had it with atmosphere of this game, about the only thing holding me on this game still is the people I know, and even they are leaving.... :eek:

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #57 on: May 21, 2012, 09:16:04 PM »
You ever realize that anyone with a vTard sign in front of their name = someone who no ones takes seriously?  :joystick:

I've said it before. You guys (mostly vDallas) made a name for yourself and it stuck. You can be the nicest person in RL, but when you fly like the typical vtard (ignoring ACM, combat, bomb/auger, running) then you're instantly tagged as a you-know-what. I don't need to show proof of all of the above, go on 200 and ask "Why do you guys hate the Devil Brigades so much?" and I'm sure you'll get all your answers within 30 seconds.

Bottom line - either form a new squad with your best pilots who actually know something other than ignoring ACM, combat, bomb/auger, running, and play the game it was meant to be played. Furballs, 1v1, 2v2, air *combat*, fun decent sized mission (NOT your 30 man hordes) OR, be stuck being branded as "vTard".

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #58 on: May 21, 2012, 09:22:52 PM »
You should watch it again and pay attention this time.  Then point out the part where I'm being a jerk.   The video isn't something I just uploaded and I'm not crying victim.  I am pointing out the kind of behavior that we don't need and I don't want mucking up my $15 a month.
Sure thing. While I'm doing that you take the time to read the replies in your thread.

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #59 on: May 21, 2012, 09:25:30 PM »
Sure thing. While I'm doing that you take the time to read the replies in your thread.

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