There are a couple of ways to consider this.
The event itself is going to be a brawl getting to target, and I'd hate to see the bomber guys pound their way through the wall of Axis that they may encounter, only to have to wave off target because they missed a calibration window. It takes a long time to calibrate for a drop, under fire and trying to evade and shoot back is difficult for the best of the bombers. We do want people to actually enjoy the event and focus on the Fight. Personally, if we screw up and let them through to target, they deserve to hit it. That should be there reward for a well fought defense of their bomber groups.
On the other hand, they have 4 months to practice, train and drill for this, and perhaps could spend the time learning something new as part of the experience, however that puts the walkons in a bad spot but might also encourage them to get on board the next one early.
Both approaches have merit.
As the Axis CO, I agree with the other Axis posters and my XO, I have no problem with either concept and will defer to the Allies to make that call. It won't affect our efforts, and we'd like you to have fun.