Flying spitfires in the MA wont teach anything better but the very basic maneuvering: since its superior both in the vertical or horisontal, just copy your opponents moves, and you win, or just loop and you win, or just do circles without flaps and you win, amazing. Exactly what Ink said: in a spit you arent forced to use the planes full capacity. And midway is a perfect example of it. Im not saying, pick n running in a pony/190/f4u/tiffie/whatever is any better... In the other hand, dueling in a spitfire is just as entertaining as in any other aircraft. The 16 can even do 109 style tailwhip moves, but as smoothly and quickly... mindblowing.
Best wishes,
Spitfires doesn't promote SA or ACM period, to win at dogfighting you have to learn the advantages and disadvantages of all aircraft in the game. Flying one plane that circles everything else doesn't promote anything other then a kill here and there.
Attributes and learning need to be acquired, simple things like the P51-D is one of the fastest prop driven planes in the game, the A6m2 is one of the tighest turning planes in the game.
You have to learn your aircraft inside out to be effective, flying a Spit8 will not teach someone the basic fundamentals of ACM/SA - rather it makes it easy to ignore attributes other aircraft's have.
Best thing to do really is pick an aircraft that interests
YOU only, and learn everything you can about it, what it does compared to other aircraft. No matter what you do you are not going to get a P51-D to win in a horizontal turn match with an A6m period.
You have to think outside the box and learn the attributes, the Aces high Game Info/Planes page give a very good description of aircraft and show you what its power/weaknesses are.
I never started out flying a Spitfire, La7 or N1k, (this is my opinion now)
chose two aircraft every tour to learn their attributes and qualities, Sometimes I went with a Turn fighter, othertimes something to Boom and Zoom.
The Idea is to learn the attributes and move on to the next plane sets until you get a basic understanding of ALL aircraft in the game.
to this day I still do this, although once you learn the basic grasps of the aircraft you can expand your range of aircraft per tour, right now I am up to four aircrafts.
Start out by choosing one aircraft, then expand onto two when you get bored, keep at it and you will learn a ton along the way.