Kingpin! Thank you for taking the time to walk me through this. It was very informative and while a two circle fight certainly isn't going to be my objective in most matchups, at least now I have some confidence that I'll be able to tell if I'm neutral, gaining, losing, etc.
It was fun, which I never thought I'd say about turning in one direction
Thanks again!
You're welcome.
I think we were able to explore most of the dynamics of nose to tail fights in the Corsair, even though I was operating on about 4 hours of sleep, a longer day at work than expected and a heavy dose of DayQuil to keep my head cold in check -- so not exactly at my finest. Hopefully the experience proves useful!
Do let me know if any follow-up questions arise or if you want to work on anything else in the future, as I'd be happy to work with you again.