Most of them didn't Butcher. Now prove that none of them did. You might also ask yourself why the AH version has them.
Stop grasping for straws because you got called out on a lie that has been longstanding and widespread (and you yourself didn't invest effort into researching directly).
Lyric did a fantastic job, so much so that - yes, he has prooven that since none (other than one or two pre-production (aka prototype) mock-ups) were ever manufactured/producd by the germans, it is physicaly/materialy impossible that they existed at any time, and in any form, in the theatre of combat. You can not have equiped what was never made.
The more Lyric has dug, the more information seems to be found to back up his conclusion. They never made production, plans were for them to be produced later and installed as they became available/distrubuted to units in the field. They (the post-production kits) were never made though. Captured 234 back this up, as provisions (wiring, they reversable telescope, etc.) were found for them, but the guns themselves were never there.
The forward mounted gun pods though I think did see some limited production (and use).
Lyric posted a link stating that the second production run of the 234B had the rear cannon. Did you miss that?
FYI lack of proof isn't proof of lack. 