being mister nice guy
the huge gangs that show no respect or honor in a game....have pushed me....I am done
so I hereby rescind my policy of no vulching......... no ganging........ no Hoing........ not flying the uberist rides...
so when you see me in the 16...LA7...K4...262.....51D.. .....look around you at the huge hoard of green guys that will do ANYTHING to "win" GANG a guy 10-15 on 1...60 plus on 1 will know why.
if you want a "fair" fight from me ask me to the DA
This is precisely the same conclusion that I reached yesterday. I have been here for nearly 4 years, albeit for a 6 month sabbatical when I was off earning my shilling. I have reached a standard (read fairly dreadful) and pretty much plateaued, but yesterday just brought me to the same conclusions as you.
Yesterday I must have died 100 times and actually accomplished about 10 kills, in that time I had one straight fight against MK84, the rest of the time I died through getting shot in the face, picked, or hit by ack chasing someone over their field. The number of times I had multiple enemies tag teaming me to HO I lost count.
I am well aware my SA is poor, I don't know why this is because in RL I know my SA is superb and has to be, but nevertheless its poor in here.
I also know all the arguments :
a.)don't follow him into ack
b.)don't put yourself in a position to be ganged
c.)it takes 2 to HO
d.)it's not our fault you dived in to engage 4
e.)Ho'ing and picking and ganging were all legitimate WW2 tactics
So I think I reached your conclusion, I am going to take every ho shot I can, going to vulch and pick and sail around at 30k till one of my squaddies gets engaged, and only then will I dive in and pick. But no way will I call Check 6 because it may spoil my aim if he breaks early.
Whenever I get the chance and see a squaddie in a slower plane, shooting a guy up, I'll overtake him and hammer the enemy all the way into the sea so I can be sure of enough hits for the kill.
But in truth INK, what you will do and what I will do is get mad, promise yourself you will change and fight dirty, and the moment you find yourself over 5 enemy cons hiding in ack, you'll revert to your original ways and get stuck in to them.