I got an even better idea.
Dont even allow side switching at all! Once you got an account, that should be predestinated for ever. Even more, dont allow cross-country communication at all!
It would have many advantages, just think about it.
-no beyotching about spying (wheres my CV???)
-no whining on 200 (thats my personal fav, muwhaha)
-no PMs from vDALLAS (heeheeeee)
-if you wanna try the other side, you would need an nother account (more $$ for HTC)
-players wouldnt be able to organize some good fights (MA is not for the ACM, it has been told many times, you know)
-war winning would be even more inportent (vOOHOO)
-no salute for the good fights, ergo taking away the reward discourages the good fights (the only reward would be gotten from the countrymates, ergo "go hordes, go, you a bettah team player organized BS")
-the ones on the other sides wont be players anymore but evil doer red dots (thats the goal, isnt it?)
-therefore the only way would be the hordnig (its super cool, makes the newbies think they are good and they keep playing longer, again, more $$ for HTC)

Edit: nope, im finally not drunk