The problem with the Hat Switch on the MS FFB stick is that it has a small square that has been cast into the bottom of the round tang on the hat. This square end (smaller than the actual round tang) fits into a three sided reciever, below where the round tang makes contact to give input. When you take the handle apart you will see that this seat is made up of two sides, on one handle piece and one side on the other. These are quite thin plastic pieces, and are somewhat fragile. They can break after extended use. (its usually the handle side with one piece of the seat). If one of these pieces breaks it will fall to the botom of your handle. Be very careful when taking it apart, I recommend using a white towel so that you can see whatever comes out. If it is a broken seat piece its an easy fix with some 2 part epoxy and needle nose plyers. Be very carful putting it back together as the hat switch seat is the most delicate spot. Also check that the actual square end on the tang is not worn too badly. If the hat switch is not seated correctly you will not get proper throw onto the switch.
My 2 cents, hope it helps.