I won't address everything because I'm too good looking to get caught up in an argument ad nauseam.

There is not even a clear agreement on 1.
You are right, those who feel threatened by the implications of point 1 do tend to disagree.
The "CO2" answer is highly debated because there is not serious calculation that shows it without another to contradict it.
Alas no, not highly. It is a simple game, to match a finding with unsubstantiated alternate possibilities. The CO2 content over time is a matter of international record.
This is completely incorrect and 90% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Indeed? Well you can find out for yourself easily if you want to. All of the information you need is freely available. A good start might be to distinguish between science and propaganda, but that would take some measure of objectivity.
So it runs out. Why shouldn't we exploit it to the last drop?
Because it is unintelligent to completely expend an irreplaceable resource which might be more useful for something else later on? How incredibly shortsighted to assume it is
yours to exploit.
We will kill ourselves and the planet through other means before we run out of fossil fuel.
I do not believe the human race can kill the planet before the planet can kill the human race. Only human arrogance would give that idea. The Earth can handle the human race like an unwanted forest fire. In three thousand years there would barely be a trace left.
Hybrid cars are not a solution to anything.
Well I don't believe I said that they were, I mentioned them to illustrate a point which your lack of vision and imagination and especially your speedy response to that idea has further illustrated. I thank you.
You are kidding right? I am embracing the change in global weather, you on the other hand resist it.
Do you really think the weather would simply become more commodious to leisure activities as time goes by?
If you really want to make this world a better place for your children, kill half the world population and try to stabilize the new number on about 3 Billions.
Well now, you know you really should stick to being sceptical and leaving the problem solving to more imaginative people if this is the best you can do. I agree the human population is a contributory problem, but killing people is a distasteful suggestion, even as a joke.
I really don't expect to convert those who are putting their whole value system and culture behind this so called dispute. It is enough to point out that your culture is now rapidly becoming the odd one out on this issue. The reasons for this are abundantly plain to everyone who lives beyond your scope of indoctrination. If I and people like me are talking absolute crap, then it shouldn't really be causing so much discomfort should it?
No one has yet resorted to the hypocrisy implication or personal insult yet. I am rather surprised / impressed. I'd have thought the emphasis would have already shifted to shutting me up at any cost.