what server were you on? we were on Merlin.
my guild (The Regulators) chose Albion for some godforsaken reason, despite being an elite mmog guild harkening back to the days of UO we were seriously handicapped by that choice.
every time we would fight midgard or hiberian we were outnumbered, and if we weren't outnumbered the superiority of their mage/minstrel classes would dictate the fight. I can't forget seeing groups of trolls zipping around and being insta stunned all the time by bards without any defensive abilities. Albions were the squeak race...
I was on Merlin too. although I was in the UK back then, I played on US servers because I bought the game before the Euro version was released
the guild I ended up with for most pvp was QQ on Hibernia, a bunch of crazy Asians playing in Australia, so somehow our timezones matched up. I had a spearo (coombz) bard (Rinseit, ended up being my main) and a druid whose name i can't recall
Albion was indeed the most gimped realm for PvP. although there were 1 or 2 guilds that managed to put up good fights in 8v8, they were definitely disadvantaged compared to mids with the insta stuns, and hibs with the insta mez and druid special ability
once ToA came out and the PvP changes shortly after I gave up on it, it just wasn't the same without Emain :<