Author Topic: Hey guys!  (Read 90096 times)

Offline Canspec

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1350 on: July 30, 2012, 05:02:26 PM »

From Zack:    "So I will be making some changes within the sqaud, next change will be in regard to "personnal Hygine" whilst in game."

I am glad that Zack has been given the task of taking this in hand....Dr. B has been flying with a very nasty rash on his bottom.......and Redbull hasnt changed his underwear in two weeks........ :old:

Offline SunBat

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1351 on: July 30, 2012, 05:56:48 PM »

so you were not in on this?????

the trash you were slinging in the squad forum was from the heart and not just a scam?????????? you seriousely ment all that evil mouthed trashing on kappa me ink and scotch??????

or are you trying to scam me now buy pretending to be innocent??????

you guys are all dikwads!

this is getting so very not cooler by the minute!!!

Suns, the entire squad knows how me and Grizz feel towards each other and just how much "respect" i have towards let me tell you this, i would believe that the moon is made of green cheese before i believe that he had nothing to do with this BS kappa returns troll........and i will dare say that i would believe him innocent and of pure conscience in that matter LONG BEFORE i would believe you didn't help to master mind this mess!!!!!! Him i cant stand at all anymore....YOU i never could!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you tattered your squaddie on a killing streak not by accident as you have claimed but with pure intention and malice aforethought!!!! you hunted him knowingly and intentionally, you went out of your way with the purpose of screwing a squaddie...and your motives were pathetic and childish, most especially when its easy to see that it was over your pathetic jealousies when comparing your skillz and accomplishments to others in our squad that make you do these types of things....

you have always founds ways to stick it to your own in one fashion or another and then you have always had some ready made excuse to attempt to cover yourself......i just don't understand why our squad has tolerated you and your shenanigans for so long!!! you are not now nor have you ever been Muppet material.....but i guess every squad has to have its charitable wing don't it?!?!?

i would truly love to express how i feel but i am certain it would get me a life time PnG so just pick the most aggressively novel and hideous combination of nouns and verbs you can imagine, compile them in a long running ever increasing in intensity sentence and then understand that that isn't shaatt compared to what i would say if i was free to speak my mind!

Oh and as a foot note, Fester.......that was a great shot and you got what you deserve from a squadie!!!! aint KARMA a biotch???? Im kinda hoping you get alot more of that treatment from other squadies in the future!!!!!

don't ever tell me to shut up tardling, its never gunna get you what you want!!!

So you want me to believe that the TWO BIGGEST TROOLTARDS in the Muppet's didn't know that this was a troll being perpetrated upon the rest of the squad by the lead buttbuddy of said two trolls??????

I'm sure I'm believing you sunnybop..........just give it a minute and I'm sure ill just be awash in a glow of blinding faith and trust for you!!!!

awww poop its just not working...why??? well cause your a liar. need proof? well just watch Midways film, i did. he was correct and you stretch the truth to the point that it makes me wonder if you were even playing the same game!!!!! you can continue to talk smack about him all you want, but at least the world of AH can see who was telling tall tales and who was vindicated!!!

almost every time you open your mouth your wrong but instead of admitting to anything you just keep up with the relentless brow beating until the person gets frustrated and seriously lashes out at you, then you get Kappa and Grizz o jump them for daring to be mean and say bad things to you!!!!! your a wussy who hides behind mummy Kappa skirt and Daddy Grizz's butt!!!!!

how quickly you forget that many of us are still here that watch what you did to other Muppet's in the not too distant past.........Muppet's who should be here in the squad today instead of you three!!! any one of them are worth more than the three of you in a package!!!!

Festers just always been a putz, so i guess we should forgive him and hope to retrain him....but you Kappa and Grizz are just broken! mentally!!!! there is a serious issue with the moral compass that the three of you seem to be guided by!!!!

ad by the way i already sent a private PM to Kappa telling him exactly how i feel (i can do that with him cause at least he has the sack to face the heat without forwarding the PM to know like you did when a particular now ex-Muppet wrote you a nasty gram so you sent it to Kappa so that he would defend did that all turn out????? hmmmm oh yeah that's right, Kappa booted him from the squad for you!!!! )

final thought, Midway i owe you an apology for being kinda a jerk to you in this thread. and another one. i went on the words and actions of my "squaddies" before i knew the entire truth myself. for that i apologize to you. you seem in your own jerkish and annoying way to be a better man than most of the ost respected in my squad!

oh golly.....and who better than the "original Kappa" to tell all those wondrous and amazing stories of grandeur..................... ......................fter all, he seems to be pretty damn good at telling FISH stories!

Thats what i trash ill someone puts it in your face then you shut the hell up dont ya?!?!?!

oh.....well im glad you apologized to some one for being the &*(^% that you are.....course you were a piece of ^*&% in public but then beg forgiveness for it in big a man that must make you?!?!?!

but i don't want an apology from you,

my wants are so much easier to fulfill.....

i just want you out of the Muppet's!

yes grizzahole would love the GFC if it stood for grizzahole fhag club cause he lives to be surrounded by a constant stream of ankle humping hermaphrodites......this is why he has had such a hard time of thing in the Muppet's.....he is the only fanboi in the squad....well except for sunnboy, but he doesn't count cause he is so close to being a woman that he gets tampon coupons in the mail.

the are both lying conniving self absorbed d-bags, so if any other squad wants them they are welcome to them!!!

i put their termination from the Muppet's to a vote in our squad forum.....but once again daddy kappa comes along to save them from the fire...imagine that, 12 votes in a row to boot them and all of a sudden the thread gets locked........of those twelve two currently not on our active roster promised to return the moment these two were dumped. they said it clear as day "THEY LEFT BECAUSE OF THESE TWO touchholieos and all the sheeez they kick up in the squad"

i will warn any of you dumb enough to want these guys in your squads, they are great game the MA but especially on the people they call "friends". do not ever trust them with your secrets or your confidence, they will burn you every time!!!

kappa....well you can take all of the him(s) too, after all grizzahole and sunnyboi need someone to protect them when they run their mouths and then get called out for it!!!!

Do not get caught up in the country-centric thinking.
The great thing about irony is that it splits things apart, gets up above them so we can see the flaws and hypocrisies and duplicates. - David Foster Walla

Offline SunBat

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1352 on: July 30, 2012, 05:57:49 PM »
too bad it comes to late!!!!!

there are Muppet's that are now lost to us.....keeping you was not worth the price paid for you!!!!

i just hope you know you are taking sunnyboi with you when you go.......not that i could imagine him ever letting go of your ankle long enough for you to escape without him!!!

covering your 6 is simple just jump a red guy put a couple rounds into him and when you are about to make the kill there appears grizz out of the heavens to swoop in steal the kill then run back to the stratosphere and hide until the next round!!!

good bye and good riddance.........

well you could be on to something there..i definitely believe that midway/bruv are better human beings than those Muppet's involved in this lastest fiasco..but i think more likely the match you are looking for is Crazy=Grizzaholeo/sunnyboi fanboi.......just remember sunnyboi will fight viciously to protect his patch of realistate on grizzaholeo's ankle.....but take not all is lost!!!!!! cause grizzaholeo has two legs!!!!!

well if you do that then what squads are you gunna use to fill the top five slots of your wish list???????

J/King Zoney......i think it would have been good had you ever made it in, your qualities as a human being may have been a deciding factor for the better in this mess we find ourselves in today. any good influence may have had a reversing impact on the redundant stupidity with which this squad has been plagued with these past couple of years.....

grizzaholeo...austa.....dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way could give sunnyboi a concussion!!!!

Kappa you wont break up the squad, you know as well as the rest of us that you are not wanted or trusted by any other squad of worth and value....additionally you are far to big a coward in your heart to risk being left homeless. besides even if you did it cause you were being spiteful it would take all of 5 seconds for one of the true hearted Muppet's, current or wrongfully ejected by you and your cronnie queens grizzaholeo and sunnyboi, to restart the squad without the trash currently cluttering up our hallowed halls!!!

like i said no squad of worth and value.........

besides Slash, with all the smack that grizzaholeo and sunnyboi talked to you in the squad forum over this whole mini-kappa BS and the fact that kappa let it go on for as long and as bad as it got, i am truly surprized you would want to be in another squad that had festus and kap in it...but hey if you enjoy being treated like yesterdays hoe then by all means, move along....

kap if you are gunna leave then do the right thing, at least in this have some sense of dignity and integrity, dont disband the squad, instead leave the Muppet's to the care custody and control of a real Muppet.

Irishone, hlbly or Mustaine are good possible a grown the right thing!

I’m done.  I sent you my avatar in the mail.
Do not get caught up in the country-centric thinking.
The great thing about irony is that it splits things apart, gets up above them so we can see the flaws and hypocrisies and duplicates. - David Foster Walla


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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1353 on: July 30, 2012, 06:11:24 PM »
I’m done.  I sent you my avatar in the mail.

and i have, as is appropriate for the circumstances, circular filed it..........

now if you would just email me your membership to the Muppet's i would be a little further along on my personal road to happiness and contentment.

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Offline uptown

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1354 on: July 30, 2012, 06:29:04 PM »
mailed in his avatar?! this is serious  :uhoh
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 06:31:15 PM by uptown »
Lighten up Francis

Offline Melvin

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1355 on: July 30, 2012, 06:29:26 PM »
mailed in his avatar?! this is serious  :uhoh

See Rule #4

Offline zack1234

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1356 on: July 31, 2012, 12:29:01 AM »
I mailed a packet of potting compost once :old:
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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1357 on: July 31, 2012, 07:16:35 AM »
I mailed a packet of potting compost once :old:

   I composted some pot once.  :)
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Offline Ten60

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1358 on: July 31, 2012, 08:05:55 AM »
   I composted some pot once.  :)
Huh, I potted some compost once.
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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1359 on: July 31, 2012, 08:18:27 AM »
I posted once on a .com.
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Offline doc1kelley

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1360 on: July 31, 2012, 10:03:31 AM »
Why would the muppets flee Top Gun? :headscratch:

All the Best...


Well I guess you need to get some glasses and re-read my post.  Nobody said anything about anyone fleeing Top Gun squad.  My post stated that none of Muppets have fled their squad to either Top Gun as fester  stated that he had done and Grizz had joined the GFC, which is hard to do if ya aren't in the game.  Check the squad roster for Army of Muppets, Top Gun (several of them), and GFC.  Wait a minute... You're the village idiot anyways and why am I even responding to your post?  I think that I need to prescribe myself two valiums and a six pack of Guiness Extra Stout and call myself in the morning.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 10:16:21 AM by doc1kelley »
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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1361 on: July 31, 2012, 10:12:47 AM »
Doc this one reeked of a look at us troll right off the bat, you should of known better   :D   :neener:   

You are quite right 68ZooM!  I hadn't had any interaction with Kappa for ages and nibbled very early on in this whole fiasco.  I know that the Muppets have always been a "Look at Me" squad and should have known better.  I hang my head in shame :uhoh  That is just what happens when you get old and loose your senses :old:

All the Best...

The Flying Circus Rocks! We're clowns of a different color!

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Offline kappa

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1362 on: July 31, 2012, 10:33:19 AM »
You know, I don't think we are a look at us squad.. I think we just have so much style that you guys are just always looking at us.. Not our fault..

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1363 on: July 31, 2012, 10:48:42 AM »
You know, I don't think we are a look at us squad.. I think we just have so much style that you guys are just always looking at us.. Not our fault..


haters gonna hate.

Offline Midway

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Re: Hey guys!
« Reply #1364 on: July 31, 2012, 10:51:18 AM »
I hang my head in shame :uhoh

All the Best...


Understandable... Understandable indeed.  :)

All the Best...


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