Gentlemen and Ladies,
This mission will be a deep penetration raid to shut down a rear airfield. Depending on amount of bomber pilots, expect a small field or possible a medium field.
1) Shut down all hangars.
2) Destroy all strats (radar, fuel, ammo, and troops) on one pass.
3) Defend from all Luftwaffe aircraft.
4) Return safely to friendly airfield for celebration in O'Club courtesy of Zoney's monthly paycheck.
Those that land kills afterward will receive a case of scotch on top of scheduled festivities.
Launch Time 8PM EST/7PM CST (USA)
Late War Arena
Launch Country : Knights
Target Airfield Country : Rook
Order of Battle:
I will have a Mission set-up. Join the Mission to enable Mission Text for specific info during Mission.
This is open to all who want to participate and can follow directions. Blind pilots are exempt from following directions, we will follow them.
Any questions direct them to myself or Zoney for escort questions. Squads desiring a particular escort aircraft model should contact me via PM so I can include your escort variant. Be advised to ensure they will be loaded with the most amount of gas possible for long flight duration. Each aircraft will have 25 slots in their flight. There could be both Pony models and few Jug models available with 25 slots apiece.
We had around 20-25 players last week and we have room for lots more.
Luftwaffe squads are encouraged to organize a LW reception committee with Me-109s, 110's, and FW-190s. It's requested to leave the jets on the ground until 8th AF Mission has suffiecient numbers to defend.
Hope to see you there and good hunting.