Had hitler knew the actual numbers, he WOULD have kept attacking, all he would have had to do was cut off the american shipping coming in with guns ammo plane parts and pilots and FOOD that were constantly being sent.
Britian had a hand full of working aircraft without the CONSTANT flow of materials and FOOD coming to the mainland island. Do not think for a second the BoB was won by overwhelming numbers, it was not. Lets also not forget if they had simply dropped hundreds of little strips of aluminum your radars would have been all but kaput, leaving any tactical advantage to incoming aircraft.
Simply put, im glad he did stop,and im glad they never figured out a way to cut off the shipping lanes, and im glad they never used chaffs to scramble the radars like we did to THEM in the 44-45's. Im also glad the germans never put wing tanks on the 109's with that they would have been able to make it back over the channel without ditching. (look it up, massive amounts were lost due to running out of gas, NOT because they got shot down by enemy gun fire OR outflown by british pilots.)
and i am in no way shape or form discounting the actions made by the british people or the military, they all deserve massive amounts of respect, and they HAVE mine.