I find that the available AH documentation (Help, Wiki, Training Corps)
regarding objectives, gameplay and indicators is either quite bad or I
am too stupid to find it (probably the latter).
E g
http://www.hitechcreations.com/Help-Section/Flight-Sim-Information/aces-high-help-gameplay.html Nowhere can I find what a blinking field icon, or a field with a red
border, or 'Base is under attack' means.
Also, are fields captured by sending troops to the map room as Help says? From the
context it sounds like the field's tower (it was so some years ago, wasn't it?).
Otherwise, I think the help is ok, you can't write down everything. But
Gameplay and indicators are quite important IMHO.
I do not understand the concept of master fields and zones either. Is it used?
Putting on zones in the radar map shows one zone, but War Status shows
several zones (eg field 1 = zone 3, field 2 = zone 4 etc). And which one is
the master field in these zones?
Thanks for any help