Hi all,
I’m Badger, the newest recruit to “The Jolly Rogers,” and I want to address everybody that’s relatively new to Aces High and is looking for a great squadron to join. When I was reading about the various squadrons in the game, VF-17 caught my eye because they play the game with history in mind and have a great reputation in the Aces High community.
My adrenaline definitely starts flowing during FSO battles against other squadrons, and there’s nothing like flying in close formation with 15-20 of your mates and smashing through groups of less-organized opponents. Even playing in the MA is more fun in a squadron because you can often team up to cover one another’s back.

So if you want to take the time to train and get the most out of Aces High, consider joining our squadron, VF-17 “The Jolly Rogers.” Our trainers, BigRat and Seighin, are really great guys and I enjoy our practice sessions. Really learning about air combat maneuvers and wingman tactics takes Aces High from a point-and-shoot experience of an arcade game to a very immersive recreation of historical air combat.
Finally, I like flying Navy planes because of the added challenge of carrier landings, and also because I am reminded of the rich history of U.S. naval aviation during WWII. Browsing through our forum posts, I also noticed that we’ve even had relatives of veterans of the real-life VF-17 squadron thank us for keeping the memory of these warriors alive. So when you’re in a historical squad like VF-17, you’re also a sort of historical reenactor. I think that’s really neat!
Don’t hesitate to message us if you see us in the MA, contact us through the forums, or find us on our website:
http://www.thejollyrogers.netSee you in the virtual skies!

P.S. If you're a history buff like me, you can read more about the historical VF-17 (
http://acepilots.com/usn_blackburn.html) or pick up a copy of the real squadron CO, Tom Blackburn's, book about the history of "The Jolly Rogers" (