Dang! And here I just spent hundreds of dollars on three 24-inch monitors for my new AH system!
Seriously, the first military V/R system I ever tried was back in 1995. Can't believe it's not been perfected and widely and cheaply available nearly two decades later. This is the holy grail of simulation, and still it's "in development".
It's like what's happened with the rebuilding on the World Trade Center site. The Empire State building was built a hundred years ago, and took a bit over 400 days to complete (with beginning of the 20th century building techniques and technology). The WTC towers fell in Sept of 2001, and they're still not done building the single tower of the OWTC, eleven years later. Another example: The P-51 went from a sketch on the back of a napkin to a flying prototype in six months. How long did it take to start flight testing on the F-22? Reminds me of an old saying: "Better is the enemy of good enough."