Ok, now that I've got my system good to go, I have to decide how to proceed with the monitor issue.
The 27" 2560xwhatever hi rez monitor apparently plays like crap with games, so spending 750$ on it is out for the moment. Input lag of 28ms isn't very good for games where you need to move your mouse quickly, so I'm going to pass on that idea.
This leaves the 3 monitor setup. I've looked into stands, and they vary from 100 to 300$ for a decent 3 monitor stand, which I'll need due to lack of desk space. Ok, Check, no problem.
Next is the monitors. I have an Asus VE247H, one of the cheap 23" LED LCD ones that cost about 170$. If I buy 2 more of these, will I be able to run games other than Aces High, such as Skyrim, Total War Series, BF3, etc etc alright? How much messing around with drivers and stuff do you have to do? Do you need to load a template for each game prior to launching said game? I've read that your desktop icons get moved all around and stuff gets messed up a lot running SLI/3 monitor systems. True/False? I know Noir and some other guys here have posted that they use a triple monitor setup, and I hope these guys can answer on what my best way to go is.
What I would LIKE to be able to do is buy 2 more monitors for 350$ or so that match my current one, run a 2d setup of 3 monitors, and have it work painlessly for most all of the stuff I use and play. My system has the horsepower to do it, and since that 27" high res monitor idea appears to be a bust for now, I may as well go triple monitor. Also, last question, does anyone use TrackIR with 3 monitors? If so, how does it work? I've still never bothered going with trackIR, as I really want to keep my accuracy with shooting in the game, and from videos it looks like the aimpoint kinda moves and shifts all over the place when trying to line up on a target. Can you overide trackIR at the point of the "kill" and have it revert to just normal video display for shooting, then click a button to turn it back on and be able to sweep your view around with your head?
Thanks for any help in advance...