I'm just curious... but why are you all over the map for the same type of plane (fighters). Do you aim differently based on which aircraft you're in? I would think that you'd aim the same way if you were dog fighting in a Spitfire, Ki-84, zeke, 109, P51, F4U, etc, because your shots are usually all within a specified target zone (200-400, etc). If your shots are going to be different because of the type of ACM's you'll be using (turn and saddle up vs boom n zoom snap shot) then I can see the difference. I'm just curious.
Well yes, I aim differently depending on what aircraft I am flying because, most planes have different guns, therefore different gun trajectories, therefore different leads, convergences, etc.
ACM plays a big part as how hard both you and the enemy obviously play a role in how much you will lead that specific plane in that specific maneuver.
My shots will range all the way up to 600-1000 yards, this of course depending on what plane I am in, and what the situation is, but it is rare I shoot outside of ~700 yards, my average is 200-600 yard shots.
You wouldn't aim the same was in a spitfire as you would a 109, zeke, ki84, etc. as the guns are totally different.
If that makes sense? Anyway hope I answered your question