For those new to AH2 like myself who has only played 2 full tours and into is third. I have imo come a long way in a short period. For that i give thanks to Vudu's videos. Reading for me has always been a week point and comprehention i have always been more a visual learner. Not to say i have not read the trainers page or other such pages but to actually see these concepts put to use by someone who learned by doing is a great tool and i suggest to all to get on and watch a few vids even to see things from a diff perspective. I have lots yet to learn but feel i would not have the skill i have achieved without these videos for that i salute you.
In many cases i have adopted the montra fight like your only choice is fight or die, and learn from each flight. many of you have shot me down but nothing prides me more when by some luck or choice i get that nice snapshot or get the perfect 6 shot. look forward to meeting more of you in the skies and as always learning learning learning.